[Blind Gossip] This story just gets weirder and weirder.
If you are calling someone your son [Read more…] about The Big Daddy
The #1 Blind Item Site in the World!
[Blind Gossip] This story just gets weirder and weirder.
If you are calling someone your son [Read more…] about The Big Daddy
[Blind Gossip] What. A. Mess!
This actor is one of the biggest heartthrobs in the world [Read more…] about Save The Baby
[Blind Gossip] There may be an investigation soon into an odd relationship between a notable adult man and a child. [Read more…] about Not Batman And Robin
[Blind Gossip] An interesting case of harassment was recently filed in Los Angeles Superior Court.
A professional athlete [Read more…] about Do Not Grab My Football
[Blind Gossip] This actor has had an interesting life and career… but he is facing a very rough ride in the year ahead! [Read more…] about Actor Is In For A Rough Ride
[Blind Gossip] We tried to warn this male singer early on in his relationship that his [Read more…] about He Can’t Bear Not Seeing His Child
[Blind Gossip] This actress is swearing that she had nothing to do with some of her friends going to the press to spin her story. [Read more…] about Her Circle Of Friends May Not Hold
[Blind Gossip] These two celebrities handled the same humiliating scandal completely differently. [Read more…] about Actress Feels Like She Is In Quicksand
[Blind Gossip] Things are looking very grim for this professional athlete.
He may be great at his job, but he is lousy with his life. [Read more…] about Trying To Be A Lucky Jerk
[Blind Gossip] This controversial man first won acting’s top award decades ago. He’s had a steady career ever since.
Although he has never been one to seek out the spotlight, he finds himself in it now [Read more…] about An Almost Ordinary Cancellation