[Blind Gossip] We have a funny story for you today about an interaction between a female singer and some of her fans.
Our Singer has been in the news a lot lately. [Read more…] about Disgusted By Rihanna
The #1 Blind Item Site in the World!
[Blind Gossip] We have a funny story for you today about an interaction between a female singer and some of her fans.
Our Singer has been in the news a lot lately. [Read more…] about Disgusted By Rihanna
[Pop Bitch] Which celebrity charged a charity £16,000 for a one hour appearance? [Read more…] about Charity Storm Out
[Blind Gossip] You have probably already heard that many of the upcoming film releases from Warner Bros. will be going straight to the small screen via HBO Max [Read more…] about I Am An Effing Movie Star
[Billy Masters] Could it be that a certain golden girl can do more with her mouth than simply sing? [Read more…] about Actor Has An Enormous Tusk
[Blind Gossip] If you are wondering if it is even possible to have an affair when you rarely leave your home, we have an answer for you.
Yes, it is! [Read more…] about She Just Loves Grocery Shopping
[Blind Gossip] This man lost his high-paying, high-profile job after it was discovered that he was not practicing what he was preaching. [Read more…] about Pulling Strings To Save Himself
[Blind Gossip] This blind item has nothing to do with basketball and everything to do with relationships. [Read more…] about The Rebound Girl
[Blind Gossip] Let’s talk about three male comedians who have been accused of bad things over the past few years! [Read more…] about Dirty Birds Of A Feather
[Blind Gossip] There was a movie several years ago that did not create a great deal of interest at the box office… but it did provide some interesting blind item material!
The female lead was the first part cast. [Read more…] about Casting Switcheroo
[Blind Gossip] Let’s talk about this petite young actress and her love life!
She is best known for her role [Read more…] about Someone In This Relationship Is A Liar