[Blind Gossip] This actress is a Velociraptor.
Her famous husband doesn’t even realize it. [Read more…] about She Is A Velociraptor
The #1 Blind Item Site in the World!
[Blind Gossip] This actress is a Velociraptor.
Her famous husband doesn’t even realize it. [Read more…] about She Is A Velociraptor
[Pop Bitch] Which notorious industry s*x [Read more…] about Why He Was Dropped By His Agent
[Blind Gossip] The family war has begun, and the first shots have already been fired!
Up until now, the family did not respond to the attacks and rude behavior of this couple.
[Blind Gossip] The public perception of this famous man certainly has changed! [Read more…] about His Crown Jewel And His Crown Jewels
[Blind Gossip] This celebrity is furious over being cancelled for her own behavior! [Read more…] about Meltdown Over Cancellation
[Blind Gossip] While it was a minor celebrity who fired the first shot against this bully, you should expect more to come! [Read more…] about The Bully And Her Army Get Exposed
[Blind Gossip] This Hollywood couple is divorcing.
You already know that.
What you may not know is just how manipulative [Read more…] about The Hamster Games
[Blind Gossip] You may have heard about the relationship drama that is taking place with these two TV personalities. [Read more…] about A Twist To The Love Triangle
[Blind Gossip] Despite the hand extended in protest, this woman does not look like the type to turn away attention. [Read more…] about Photo Blind Item 60
[Blind Gossip] In a recent interview, actor Holt McCallany revealed a startling family secret that involves a famous actor. [Read more…] about A Movie Star Messed With His Mom