[Blind Gossip] This singer definitely does not want you to know what really happened in her last relationship.
After all, she is a [Read more…] about Monster Ghosts Singer
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[Blind Gossip] This singer definitely does not want you to know what really happened in her last relationship.
After all, she is a [Read more…] about Monster Ghosts Singer
[Blind Gossip] Remember when we told you that this female singer without a lick of sense was cycling back to the man [Read more…] about Licker And Cheater
[Blind Gossip] We told you before that this young actress’ man was bad news.
It was puzzling that at the height of her career – with an Academy Award [Read more…] about Panny And Boy Bander
[Blind Gossip] This celebrity couple certainly plowed through their fair share of other celebrities before coming together.
And while it may seem that they have matured and are ready to [Read more…] about Forever Wasted
[Blind Gossip] You already know that this popular singer is struggling. But you probably don’t know what the people around him are doing to help him. [Read more…] about Every Thirty Minutes
[Pop Bitch] Which former teen pop star needs to tidy up his act a bit?
One recent hook-up describes him as [Read more…] about The Dirty Pop Star
[Blind Gossip] It’s not unusual to see a celebrity couple far apart in age.
This May-December romance is attracting a lot of attention, though, because the woman [Read more…] about A Little Shudder Of Repulsion
[Blind Gossip] Once again, she is the victim.
She was doing so well in her [Read more…] about The Victim Angle
[Blind Gossip] While the IHeartRadio awards are supposed to be fun and light-hearted, just a few ill-chosen words can spoil the fun.
He tried to make a joke about her [Read more…] about I Don’t Heart Misogyny
[Blind Gossip] In her new memoir, Don’t Stop Believin, Olivia Newton-John tells the story of how she met and dated a mysterious Hollywood legend!
She met him in a coffee shop. [Read more…] about Olivia And The Bad Boy