[Blind Gossip] Were you happy when this TV star finally left her husband?
As he was doing her no favors by “managing” her business affairs and her finances – right into his own pocket – you probably thought that she would be much smarter about her money the next time she got into a relationship.
Well, when you hear what’s going on, your joy may be tempered.
She has a new boyfriend. She’s not keeping that quiet. However, what she is keeping quiet is how he is talking to her about money!
No, he’s not trying to manage her money. He’s just trying to manage to get a little of it out of her pockets and into his.
Everyone was worried that he would try to get her to buy him big-ticket items like a new car. That’s not his end game. He has all these risky business ventures going on. He’s a good talker. He’s just about talked her into investing some of her money into one of his deals. It has something to do with real estate, but it’s complicated. She thinks he is very intelligent.
Oh, boy.
Similar: Cash Guy Is Not Chatty
TV Star:
[Optional] What do you think is going to happen with this man?
aemish says
Okay, it’s Wendy but wouldn’t it be funny if the dude was Peter from RHOA :p
TannKell says
Wendy Williams- poor thing, I wish her well!
New boyfriend will “Hoo-hoo-hoo, go on, take the money and run”!
dinamarieburnett says
Wendy Williams and new boyfriend.
SouthJerseyGirl says
Wendy Williams.
She needs some good friends to talk to her honestly.
19Nickers84 says
Wendy Williams
MadGal says
Wendy Williams
kittymyers says
Wendy Williams
MyMai says
Wendy Williams. She needs to catch a break 😥😥
shannonleew says
Wendy Williams
SilverLining says
Wendy Williams
Mills007 says
Oh oh might this be,…. wendy wendy wendy,….. also it’s just NO for me with the Youngblooy,..
In my opinion he is not a good match or look on her…
She should find a better one…..
Also the guy wendy is with has my skin crawling when i see pics of them a bad vibe i get from him, i wonder what her son thinks about this dude… Youngblooy might be up to more no good,… cause he know she is vulnerable and weak-ish right now,…..
Poppycorn144 says
If this is Wendy Williams someone needs to get her a freaking guardianship! She’s so judgemental about others but it’s clear she is a complete and utter mess.
Brunettetalk says
Wendy Williams new boyfriend is a financial investor. He also was convicted of armed robbery and breaking and entering. So maybe he’s raiding her cookie jar.
mrw222 says
Please no Wendy Williams! How can you be so foolish??
GretaGuesses says
Wendy Williams
Hopefully he’s just a rebound fling.
parkland45 says
Gerseychick says
Wendy Williams is a train wreck…Stay single, take care of your son….And go to meetings….
badgerette85 says
Wendy Williams
Op- he is a money moocher by all means, you’d think she would learn from the last one to stay clear of these types.
Sleepyandconfused says
Wendy Williams
He’d steal her money
She’s not very smart and very dependent on men to prove her self worth
Princesspc says
My girl Wendy Williams. I was so glad she got rid of that Husband.
lgindahouse says
Wendy Williams
snobby says
I hope someone talks her into putting him on the curb.
Laughing1 says
Wendy Williams is just plain stupid.
flygurl says
Wendy Williams & her new boy toy
Hopefully she’ll wake up soon & kick him to the curb. She should focus on getting out of her marriage safe & sound before she does anything else
Booboogirl says
Wendy, Wendy you may need a conservertorship to manage your money
haley1020 says
wendy williams
bernie2020 says
Wendy Williams
Very sad.
dadiegirl says
Wendi Williams He’s temporary. She better hold on to her coins! Don’t be stupid girl!
TeaDrinker says
Wendy Williams
Optional: She seems to have such low self-esteem that she couldn’t go even a few months without a man. She’s jumped into this relationship with a convicted felon very quickly. I’m sure he’ll milk her for all she’s worth. Seeing how her ex took advantage of her for many years (well over a decade) I think this new guy will probably try to last as long if not longer living off her money. Or at least until she’s broke.
HotTeacher88 says
Wendy Williams and new boy toy. Older women should ALWAYS be wary when a much younger man comes after you. Ten times out of ten, she has more money. He wants to be taken care of.
The Big D says
Wendy Wiliams
What will happen is this guy will get what he can from her and it will end in heartache because you cannot fix stupid and she seems determined to self destruct.
oyevey says
Wendy Williams
Searlait says
Wendy Williams
wfreshie says
wendy williams and that young guy with a record she is hanging with
amagod121 says
Wendy Williams
OptionL: If he plays his cards right, he’ll end up ruling her just as her last husband did. If not, then he’ll get hold of some of her cash and burn right through it. Apparently Wendy likes and wants a man to control her and her cash. No good can come from that dynamic.
4sixx2 says
That huge mess Wendy Williams.
Musicsunlight says
Wendy Williams that one really needs to walk what she talks. She is coming across as weak, insecure, needy and fake. Picks up with some young no hoper because she can’t bear to be alone. Makes friends with all the women she slated. She really is just a gobby * with nothing to back it up. I should have some sympathy for her but for some reason I don’t.
JBDinCA says
Wendy Williams
Lindylou says
Wendy Williams
lealoo says
Wendy Williams
FiyahHotFlashy says
TV Star: Wendy Williams
[Optional] What do you think is going to happen with this man? He’s going to get what he wants, trash her name and testify on her ex’s behalf. If this is WW I have on sympathy for her. Everyone knew that young man was a MAJOR MISTAKE!
zappy2050 says
Most people make the same mistakes over and over and over again. Have a family member who has been fired 11 times – always for the same exact reason (being extremely rude to the boss). Not surprised.