[Blind Gossip] This reaction to the Kathy Griffin Press conference from a very famous comedic actress is hot off the press!
She got very excited during the Kathy Griffin press conference. She was half yelling and half laughing: “Holy f*ck! What is she thinking? Who told her to double down on stupidity? Who told her to play the victim? She needs to fire Cindi and that attorney!” She likes Kathy, but she is shocked at how Kathy is handling this (or how Kathy is being advised to handle this).
Guess this means that not all of her peers are going to stand by her during this crisis!
By the way, the actress in our story is more famous than Griffin and has worked in both TV and films.
BG Note: “Cindi” likely refers to Cindi Berger, who is Kathy Griffin’s long-time publicist.
Similar: Cruel Funny Women
[Optional] You are Kathy Griffin’s new publicist. How would you advise her to handle this controversy?
Maximus says
isleparadise says
My guess is Bette Midler
mkinnick1 says
Bette Midler
laineyd says
Bette Midler.
KnowsItAll says
Lisa Kudrow. They were at Groundlings together.
LooLoo says
Melissa McCarthy – clue – The Heat, the movie she was in with Sandra Bullock. (I love that movie, and I’m not ashamed, lol.) She’s right about everything she said. Kathy’s apology was a weird lashing out at white people and men. What the heck was that about? Why did she think that would be helpful? The lawyer said it was “art,” then Kathy came out and said it was because she hates white men. Unbelievable.
ashanean says
Don’t know the other comedienne us but Kathy was foolish. She is stooping to Trumps level and giving him the attention which he craves. The
javajolted says
Melissa McCarthy. The press conference dug her in deeper. KG is on record as being obsessed with making money. Her comment, “he broke me. He broke me.” is an interesting Fruedian slip. Hiring Gloria Alred’s ambalance chasing atty daughter also a mistake. The fact that she said an 11 yo was “allegedly” traumatized was the last straw for me. She needs to lay low and get back to celeb comedy for a while. Also denounce her 12/2016 comment where she said she would go after Barron.
wasteoftime says
I would suggest that Griffin re-release the photo, but in a revised version. She should super-impose her own head-so she is holding up her own head. It would suggest that she is both sorry and humbled-enough that she would have even done the stunt to herself. Plus, it would get her more publicity and take the visual focus off Trump, and back to her. And media outlets would probably end up using the “newer” photo in all follow-up reports, so the public wouldn’t continue to see the original…
Madeleine says
This sounds like Melissa McCarthy.
Tallie says
Roseanne Barr
Kricket1 says
Quit the soap box hysterics Kathy – You made a choice to do this and you recognized it would have consequences – so all this false whining and “poor me” crap just does not play to the audience –
Stupid in the dictionary should show your photo – Glad you got fired – you’ve already got the $$$ so now is a good time to retire –
Oliver Tweets says
This is Anderton Cooper.
waitinonthesun says
Actress: Whoopi Goldberg
spaceship says
Don’t know who the actress is, but I’d advise Kathy Griffin to shut her pie hole, she’s done enough damage already, and that laughable press conference just added to it.
Blossom says
Chelsea Handler
I would tell her to take a loooong holiday
kvetro60 says
Roseanne Barr.
firefly nights says
Where is her apology to Jim Foley’s family? The photo journalist murdered in Syria. ?
Pimpernel says
Very good point… and a few others too :'(
CanaryCry says
Rosie O’Donnell? Melissa McCarthy?
If I had to be the publicist, I’d tell Kathy to lie low for quite a while … that’s all I got.
CanaryCry says
Better yet, head to Europe – at least to London.
Pimpernel says
Amy Schumer
Unforuntately Kathy tapped the hate Trump virus and went way way way too far ….. not funny to glorify beheading at all….
If I was her publicist Id say apologise profusely and take a LONG holiday. Dont play the victim like you are now- specially when you started it!!!!
LA Hack says
It’s either Chelsea Handler or Kristen Wiig or Margaret Cho
[Optional]: I would tell her she just BLEW IT big time! You just nailed your comedy coffin shut permanently. You just lost ALL credibility. The thing that has always made you funny is how quickly and effectively you can back pedal and make it seem so effortless and brown-nosey at the same time. Here, you just broke down like a little princess, and played right in to what they wanted to see you do. We love(d) u but not so much…
Incarnadine says
Actress: All of them!
Optional: Apologise! It was a stupid, vulgar stunt. No one likes Trump, but people hate ‘victims’ even more. This is no ones fault but her own.
BunnieBoo says
Sounds like Whoopi Goldberg
I’d advise Kathy to quit blaming Trump, own her actions and stop crying. She’s going down the same path as a Paula Deen. Maybe Madonna can offer some advice.
Slenderman66 says
Amy Schumer or Tina Fey or Amy Poehler or Julia Louis-Dreyfuss, there are just too many options.
Baileygirl says
I’ll guess Tina Fey.
Doubling down is the WRONG way to handle this. She should keep her head down and out of sight. This is like pouring salt into a wound. It is sad because Kathy is funny on stage, but this stunt was a major backfire. Didn’t Kathy Griffin get any attention when she was a kid? As they say, negative attention is better than no attention at all, but she has gone too far, too dark and too nasty. Give it a rest, Kathy, and go home to your Mom for a bit and chill out.
afternoondelight says
Melissa McCarthy
She should have gone underground for a while after the apology. Everyone is forgiven eventually. She is not doing herself any favors. Her peers and hyper liberals came out against her and she is blaming Trump. If you can’t play with the big boys, stay on the porch.
afternoondelight says
Melissa McCarthy
She should have gone underground for a while after the apology. Everyone is forgiven eventually. She is not doing herself any favors. Her peers and hyper liberals came out against her and she is blaming Trump. Big mistake.
Glitter says
I’ll guess Melissa McCarthy.
Kathy needs to lie low for a long time .
quickchick says
Melissa McCarthy
My advice to her? Find a time machine.
moses1684 says
OMG, thanks making me laugh out loud! Good one.
sunshine702 says
Brooke Shields
You are not being bullied by old white men! Drama queen nutter. Most American’s are pretty sensitive about showing a sitting American president murdered in ISIS fashion after JFK. The backlash should have been thought through BEFORE you did the shoot.
dberlcri says
The whole thing is an absolute embarrassment. She was always a big mouth who says regrettable things. The way I see it, she thought she’d score points with liberal elite by jumping on the Trash Trump bandwagon but her stunt got backlash instead of accolades. Just like in high school when some try to score points with the popular kids by helping them mock the favorite victim of the bullies but she failed miserably.
javelina says
Chelsea Handler or Sarah Silverman
What is Kathy doing? I’m not paying attention anymore…
MzDBDB says
Roseann Barr/I would advise her to shut up and go away for a bit.
beachchick218 says
Don’t know but just caught her whiny presser…..just laughable. Maybe that’s the only funny thing she’s done.
She can dish it out but cannot take it. Big loser.
amagod121 says
Amy Schumer. Nice to know that Amy would pretend sincerity if caught in an ugly situation.
Optional: Move to Europe and try to find work there for a few years until this dies down. However, it may never die down, sooooo I would also advise her to get new job skills.
algarve2016 says
Tina Fey? (although she is also a writer)
I would tell her to go on vacation to some resort, or go stay somewhere and write a book. Or come play some clubs in Europe, such as Amsterdam. I would have told her to do this differently: Go out there, apologize sincerely, say that you continue to be outraged by the T-bird and that you acted out of emotion and did not think this through. And be more responsible in the future.
scooby says
Whoppie Goldberg
kelno19 says
Melissa McCarthy. Oh geez, I’d tell her to shut up and stay out of the spotlight until this blows over. However, after that “press conference”, pretty sure Kathys career is over.
fanomusic24 says
Go sit down somewhere Kathy! Now! We’ll forget & forgive… Eventually someone somewhere will do something worse for us (them) to complain about
rainydaygirl says
F*%$# own it….you did a really tasteless and cruel thing, own up to it and acknowledge this is the kind of person you are…this has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with common decency…it brought to mind the beheadings of isis and made me physically ill
annabelle77 says
Completely agree.
firefly nights says
Not sure who the actress is but Kathy is getting the WORST advice known to man. She’s surprised by the blow back? Maybe next time Kathy shouldn’t release her ISIS audition tapes to the public. ?
Blondenycblonde says
Amy Schumer
danerbug12 says
Chelsea Handler?
KimDealrules says
Clues: using the word “handle” and “handling”.
pitbull says
Agreed! This!
LeeLee12345 says
Yep, this is it. Good eye.
selexieb says
Goldie Hawn
yo1774 says
I don’t know who she is, but she is smart (and Katy should have more people around her to tell her the truth).
Make jokes about Trump is ok, in fact Trump is a walking joke himself, but she went too far and she is not handling well the whole situation at all
aaaBeth says
Brooke Shields
Dump Lisa Bloom and stop hinting at a lawsuit. Lay low for awhile and then do a series of hand-picked interviews. Work arrangements for select well-respected celebrities to issue subtle statements of support. Write a personal apology letter to Melania — don’t reveal contents, but give enough “hints” that it was a personal apology.
waysouthofheaven says
dagnabbit11 says
Whoopie Goldberg
I totally agree – you make a move like that you have to own it 100%. Take the heat – push back and point out how much of a bully Trump & Co are and that it’s a symbolic artistic statement.
She just ruined the entire thing, and yes – her career by playing the crying fool. Sigh.
pamplonatramp says
Trump is a Bully? Really? If someone made a picture of me like that and it freaked my kid out I would do more than just give a terse response like Trump and his wife did.
She said she was going to attack his kid back in December. Griffin also went after Sarah Palin’s kids, to the extent she went to Alaska to do it. Rosie attacked his 10 year old son as well.
Griffin knew what she was doing and deserves what she gets.
High Steppa says
In December, Kathy said she wanted to deliver a beat down to Trump (meaning she would go after him with her comments and act)….”and also to Barron.” Yep, she publicly said she wanted to publicly insult and humiliate an 11 year old child. What a peach she is.
Trump is a bully??? Get real.
flower says
I agree!
jenvies says
Wanda Sykes.
I really have no idea, I just like Wanda Sykes:)
People almost stopped talking about this. The timing of this press conference is bizarre. It wasn’t a strong message. It’s almost like she wants to keep this bs PR going. I like her and don’t want to believe she’s that shallow.
I would advise her to lay low and write another book.
Blkgoddess says
I’d advise her to apologize and just leave it at that.
Pearl_Br says
Actress: Amy Schumer
FiyahHotFlashy says
Melissa McCarthy…I would tell Kathy to keep a low profile and try again next year. The public and 45 needs time to forget about her.
SouthJerseyGirl says
Rosie O’Donnell.
mystic1 says
Amy Shchumer? I feel bad for Kathy but her press conference was awful. She should have just been apologetic, but saying that her life was ruined was a bit much.
bobbybatshit says
I have no idea about the actress, but I find it cute that she is also racist and misandrist – “White males have done this to me.” She doesn’t not display much critical thinking.
Vampira says
Rosie O’ Donnell?
Reggie5561 says
sabrina325 says
Amy Schumer?
summerfly says
I don’t know who the actress is but Kathy Griffin should bite the bullet and stand her ground. She was being so bold then she should continue on that path. No apologies.
4sixx2 says
Ugh, just no.
flower says
Kathy Griffin needs to disappear for a long time. When she resurfaces the public will let her know if she still has a career. If not, it’s really no big loss.
ghostrider44 says
Amy Schumer? Tina Fey?
I agree with the comedian, this was a dumb move. Kathy was all brave when she jumped in, thinking she was funny and edgy. I even saw a video of her at the photo shoot saying she was going to have to move to Mexico when the photo was released. So she knew there would be backlash. So I do not feel sorry for her…it’s called consequences.
One side note though, I think that * Tyler Shields should be getting just as much scrutiny since this was probably his…
ghostrider44 says
JipJip says
Amy Schuler
4girls4 says
delray74 says
I haven’t the foggiest. But Kathy is D-list for a reason, not very bright. My advice would have been “go to Ophrah” and do the apology tour. Not to give a press conference and immolate yourself.
nuthinshort says
Rosie O’Donnell
Sounds like her – tv and movies.
Mills007 says
THIS!!!!!!!!! for sure!!!!!!
I think the kids are the ones that might have been shocked and yes that’s very sad,…but if this man was NOT president……wouldn’t we all have thought oooh well kathy had a brainfart,…
And i so strongly feel that the man who made the pic, should be more on the fore front,…
She is losing her bread,..that is no ok..sorry but the pic is bad taste, but to loose all her jobs?? Bit to harsh… and uhm, i kinda like her stand up, sorry not sorry!!
Amityvillain says
I’m curious, would you be ok with a comedienne losing gigs if they had served up a democratic presidents’ head? If ones job is dependent on society liking them, and they do something that society disagrees with, then the fallout is job loss. We would probably lose our jobs over it. Why isn’t it OK for her to lose some gigs? Plus, she’s blaming others for what she did while attempting to throw Marilyn Manson and Gwar under the bus. Methinks society is getting tired of that broken record.
flower says
Under no circumstances were Kathy’s actions appropriate, regardless of who her target was. The photo grossed me out, and I’m a nurse. I have absolutely zero sympathy for her.
pigasauras says
She’s f*cked. She did that stupid stunt, pissing off the right, then backpedaled pissing off the left, extreme left, and nutjob left.
annabelle77 says
Yessiree Bob. No publicist can fix this. And obnoxious greedy Lisa Bloom did the impossible at that press conference-she made it worse.
up2trouble says
Lisa Bloom can’t help it. She inherited those genes from Gloria Allred.
Lizbait says
Melissa McCarthy