[Blind Gossip] This female singer loves publicity more than she loves singing. That’s why she enters one relationship after another. The guys don’t [Read more…] about He Thinks She Really Loves Him
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[Blind Gossip] This female singer loves publicity more than she loves singing. That’s why she enters one relationship after another. The guys don’t [Read more…] about He Thinks She Really Loves Him
[Pop Bitch] A British solo star and a sought-after producer were making sweet music together [Read more…] about Behind The Falling Out
[Blind Gossip] Just when you thought no one could beat Beyonce and her fake pregnancies, along comes this singer! [Read more…] about Protect The Baby Bump
[Blind Gossip] Lots of chatter about this famous female singer having extensive plastic surgery recently. [Read more…] about The Fake Smile
[Blind Gossip] This voluptuous actress attracts attention wherever she goes. She and her Grammys outfit may have looked a hot mess to some people [Read more…] about Singer Is Madly In Love With Actress
[Blind Gossip] If you give this popular female singer a hard time, you should expect to be the subject of one of her songs. [Read more…] about Her Song About Him
[Blind Gossip] This female singer was supposed to perform at last night’s Grammy Awards. [Read more…] about She Sounded Fine At Rehearsal
[Blind Gossip] This singer had a great night at The Grammys. His model girlfriend? Not so much. [Read more…] about Miserable Model
[Blind Gossip] Conversation at a Grammys after party. Thinking that this female singer was friendly with one of the evening’s performers, someone commented to her [Read more…] about Grammys Mean Girl
[Blind Gossip] This young male singer was a performer at last night’s Grammy Awards. We have two interesting notes. First, although he may deny it, his song was absolutely about [Read more…] about Don’t Pan To Her