BlindGossip – When you cheat on your spouse – even with their knowledge – you really need to use protection. Because you know what happens when you don’t? Someone winds up with a disease… or pregnant. Silly goose! Haven’t you learned your lesson?
Film Star is Not as Carefree as She Appears
This Celebrity Has Lousy Eyebrows
Tennis Player May Be Injuring Himself
HolyMoly – Which world-class tennis player should perhaps lay off the HGH (Human Growth Hormones) if he wants to stop his spate of injuries? The steroid is still undetectable in tests and supposedly widely in use for endurance so he can play his epic five set matches and still look fresh on court the next day.
This Actress Needs a Dentist and a Psychiatrist
BlindGossip – This dark-haired actress has developed a weird eating style. On the rare occasions that she does eat, she doesn’t like the food to touch her lips. She opens up her mouth really wide and pulls the food off the fork with her teeth. We don’t know if this behavior is related to the ongoing problems she is having with her teeth, which were absolutely destroyed by an eating disorder in her teens. They became so eroded that she had to have them shaved down and have porcelain veneers applied to every single tooth at $2000 a pop. She can afford it. It’s just too bad that the eating disorder appears to be back. Conveniently for her, so are baggy boyfriend jeans.
No It’s Not Demi Moore. We just like this picture of her.