[Blind Gossip] This is an interesting note to a certain celebrity’s bizarre behavior.
His company is losing money, but he has figured out a way to keep his reputation as a visionary intact.
Most business people fight hard to keep their jobs, but he actually dares people to fire him! He knows they don’t have the balls to do it. If they fire him, he walks away with a huge package. Then when the business fails, he can claim it failed because he wasn’t there anymore. He will never quit, though. That would be admitting defeat and he can’t do that. He’s got like ten other companies that he wants to start (yes, he is manic).
We are assuming that “huge package” refers to monetary compensation.
Similar: Running For The Exits
[Optional] What do you think will happen to him? His company?
Roobix says
Could it be Brandon Truaxe? Founder of the skincare/make up brand that does The Ordinary. He has just been ousted by estee lauder after months of bizzare ranting/videos on his personal and company Instagram etc
Its a shame because their products are great.
Kellikopter says
I’m guessing Kanye on this, bc Elon has already technically been fired from one position within his company. Well, demoted… But reports of Elon’s behavior describe him being paranoid AF with fits of rage, tears, and violence. I don’t even dare presume to know anything really about bipolar disorder, but that doesn’t sound like mania IMO. I think the manic bit is alluding to Ye.
Lux Lovey says
Elon Musk. Although he’s completely bananas, he has pull. Hopefully he gets treatment to stop the drugs he’s on and gets back on his correct meds – presuming he has some.
Carmeltomonterey says
Elon Musk. He wont leave. The company will go down in flames, selling off profitable parts.
KlaireBear says
Elon Musk ?
Elliegurl says
Nutjob Elon Musk.
FingerCuffs says
Elon Musk
Mumumumu says
Elon Musk
marymc says
Dumpster fire.
EW1382 says
Elon Musk.
cicerina says
Elon Musk
Headlights says
Kanye West
pina colada says
Elon musk – think this must be part of a plan. Maybe to drive share prices down so they can buy a bunch of stock then launch a comeback?! Who knows
doppiavu says
Elon Musk
leishd83 says
Elon musk
penguinpants says
kbeveryday says
Elon Musk
SilverLining says
Elon Musk?
maylise says
Elon Musk
loreil says
Elon Musk
spunkfunker says
Elon Musk
Aquianna says
raspberry says
Elon Musk
anarchistlibrarian says
i’m guessing elon musk, but it could very well also be about donald trump! XD
Sparrow68 says
Elon Musk….he’s losing his mind
cheezymoses says
Sleepyandconfused says
He’s not a good businessman. Not sure he’ll be as successful as he claims.
luvprue1 says
Business man: Kanye West
His clothing line, and his gym shoes line.
Optional: I do not think either of his companies are doing good right now. So they will probably go under
missbmw says
Elon Musk.
aprilroxane says
Kayne ?
Lulabell says
Kanye West
georgiegirl says
No matter what kk decides to do at this point, she’s going to look bad
radmom says
Elon Musk
sunshine702 says
Elon Musk
Hopefully things will get back on track.
dameffy says
Elon Musk
dadiegirl says
Elon The Loon Musk!!! He’s a genius. But dishonest and not a good business man. So who knows!
elphie says
so… 2 choices… Elon Musk or Kayne… both are Hot Messes and need some serious mental health help
4girls4 says
Elon Musk.
A Scam
Pinkieswear says
The Tesla guy.
JoshuaTree says
Elon Musk. He admitted on Rogan that Tesla is a money loser but he’s still going at it. Also said he has a million ideas for new things and his brain is a constant explosion of ideas. Space X is doing well and he’s drilling tunnels under LA. His JRE podcast was fascinating. He’s definitely manic but tortured because his brain will never shut off. When he said “you wouldn’t want to be me,” he meant it.
aaaPanda says
Elon Musk and Tesla
I think he will need to go on meds because he has a possibly undiagnosed mental condition. Going on meds may calm him down but may also inhibit his creativity and appetite for risky but genius ventures. He”ll either end up tucked away in a clinic or else carry on but go on and off his meds at will. A bit like Kanye.
lovesjazz says
steve harvey?
darkthea says
Elon Musk
badgerette85 says
Elon Musk
jrizzo says
Elon Musk, who I’ve thought for awhile is manic. I have BPD so a lot of the symptoms are very similar, and he screams emotionally unstable.
He already stepped down from Tesla. He needs to step down from SpaceX too and get some psychological help.
silence1534 says
Elon Musk
alinaa says
Elon Musk?
Although the “package” bit made me think James Packer
Lizbait says
Elon Musk
Mironov says
Elon Musk
aaaTorya says
Businessman: Elon Musk
TexasHeat says
Obvs Kanye
I truly don’t really care what happens to him if he or someone in his camp won’t get him situated and back on track.
Marybel says
Kanye of course. The darling of the left is now shunned. LOL
BDBoop says
“Darling of the left?” Naw, man. He’s certifiable. Remember Obama calling him a jackass? Classic.
TruePatriot says
Obama is now the shunned if you are paying any real attention… but of course SJWs aren’t. Most of you are only paying attention to the fake news media and their lies about this President which is so sad. When the truth comes out – and it will – you’ll all be singing a different tune. When in the history of this nation has there ever been this many top DOJ/FBI officials fired or resigned due to their partisan actions prior to an election? I think some of you need to wake up to the facts.
Vidalia Q Intrigue says
Elon Musk
thomk065 says
mountaingirl says
Elon Musk
jerseygirlangie says
Elon Musk , of course !
MikeInSanJose says
Elon Musk.
Not sure whether he is eccentric, or crazy, but he absolutely IS a visionary. I think his companies will be fine! Vision like his is contagious, and both Tesla and SpaceX have HUGE potential for success and for changing the world.
ladynevertells says
psychicdeath says
Elon Musk
He will eventually be totally cut off from Tesla. It won’t matter, and the company will fold.
amagod121 says
Elon Musk, you rascal! And yes, I guessed that you were manic! But hey, work with it!
Optional: I don’t see Tesla lasting long-term. Space-X is more interesting, anyway.
carriebradshaw says
Elon Musk
JohnCarson says
MadGal says
Elon Musk
bertwheeler says
Elon Musk
He’ll bargain his way out of Tesla, then convince people to invest in his new company.
Catseyezzz says
Kanye/Trump debacle
Clues: You’re Fired (from the Apprentice)
Huge: Donald Trump: Huuuuuuuggge
Clue: People wanted him to step down or get impeached and he is losing tons of money
spaceship says
I don’t think so., doesn’t sound like either one.
laurel74 says
Elon Musk
angelbratt says
Andy cohen
GooglyMoogly says
Obviously Elon Musk..
Be careful when throwing out ultimatums….there are always good lawyers and spin doctors who can turn this on him….
oyevey says
Tom Cruise
Flmama says
Elon Musk
lunata says
Oh, Kanye…… get back on your meds if you have the balls to.
kc1977 says
Elon musk
sabrina325 says
Elon Musk
Sharper_Teeth says
luv2guess says
elon musk
marlo5670 says
Elon Musk