[Blind Gossip] You might think that the primary reason to get this TV star away from from her boyfriend is because he is constantly under the influence of one substance or another.
Of course being an addict is a terrible thing.
Of course it is a bad idea to have him around her children.
Of course he presents a danger to himself and others with his out-of-control behavior.
However, no one wants to mention the bigger problem: She is doing the drugs right along with him!
Similar: Cannes Cravings
TV Star:
[Optional] What’s it going to take for her to get rid of him?
HotTeacher88 says
Mama June needs to visit Inyanla Vanzant to get some therapy.
UrbanFox says
Mama June
Geno Doak
Perhaps the realization that she may well go to prison?
SleuthingForFun says
TV Star: Mama June
[Optional] What’s it going to take for her to get rid of him? Her going to rehab and getting clean, he’s only with her because she is funding their addictions. Without the coin he’s out of there.
SilverLining says
Someone from Teen Mom. Is it Jenelle? I don’t need to have ever watched this show to know this sadly as they glamorize malignant teenage pregnancy that has no value in the REAL world. And in the CELEBRITY world, obviously the perks come along with a destruction also not usually so profound in the REAL world (while the innocence suffer for the glory or purpose of what again?). As a DV victim, I will say she needs to help herself to help her children while getting away before someone dies!
amagod121 says
Thinking this is either Wendy Williams or else Jennelle Evers Eason, or whatever the last name is. But hey, it could also be Michael Lohan for all we know. Got me.
AmateurGossipHour says
Hayden Panettiere
So sad, I just hope she wakes up to herself before her daughter is old enough to remember.
Carolyn says
Mama June and Geno
Vreakie says
Honey Boo-boo ‘s mom, Mama June.
sabrina325 says
Hayden Panettiere?
Glitter and Steak says
That is Mama June and Geno. He crashed into their garage door, and could barely walk when getting out of the vehicle. It was a miracle he didn’t hurt anyone, driving in that condition.
What will it take for her to leave him?Nothing for now. They are both just as addicted to each other as they are by drugs. They feed off each other.
chichi45 says
Mama June!!
mountaingirl82 says
Janelle Evans
Teen Mom
thatonegirloverthere says
Honey BooBoo’s mom
She wont leave him until he’s (or she) is in jail.
actcasual says
I’m going with Mama June.
mrw222 says
Mama June and her dirtbag boyfriend
linder says
I think it’s Demi Lovato. And she is coming close to the magical age of famous deaths at 27. Very sad. Probably a lovely girl. Such a waste of a wonderful talent and kind nature.
JBDinCA says
Mama June (boyfriend Geno Doak)
sbellmoore says
Mama June
She’ll have to hit rock bottom.
thisgirl1 says
TV STAR: Mama June
What’s it going to take? The network canceling her show.
Gerseychick says
Mamma June..Should be fired……Last time she was with a child molester…..That’s why her other daughters have nothing to do with her…..Glad Alanna is living with her sister Pumpkin….
charlene2345 says
Hayden Panettiere, I think. Sad. I always hoped that she would be one of the few child stars to grow up unscathed.
Poppycorn144 says
Hayden doesn’t have “children” and her one child is in the custody of her father, I believe she’s in the Ukraine. Plus I think her vice is solely alcohol.
heartcouture says
Mama June?
angelbratt says
Jenelle Evans and her addict boyfriend.
Optional: he will kill her before she leaves him
spo3131 says
Mama June
Booboogirl says
Mama June
NativeAtlantaGirl says
Mama June – she should be spayed and all parental rights removed forever. Let them OD in peace.
NormaDesperate says
Gotta be Mama June and that heinous creep she drugs-out with. Man, what a pair…
TeaDrinker says
Mama June
silence1534 says
Mama June