EW – If a certain television star is reading this, they should squint extra hard to read between the lines. How come? They’ve been canned – they just don’t know it yet! Yep, it seems an original cast member of a hit series that’s popular has been pink-slipped from their job without the benefit of being given a pink slip. A combo platter of budget cuts and creative redirection is being blamed for the firing, but it also bears mentioning that said performer was never going to win any popularity contests with their co-stars. As for why the MVP still hasn’t been told that the unemployment line is reserving a spot for them, well, that’s where things get really interesting. There’s still a snowball’s chance in Hollywood that the producers might have a change of heart. If, or when, the axe does fall, the regular’s on-screen alter ego isn’t likely to be killed off. Although death has cast a shadow over many a plot, this personality’s demise would probably be deemed too morbid, even for this show.