[Blind Gossip] This male singer is really stressed out. He isn’t stressed out because he has been cheating on his celebrity fiancee. He is stressed out because he got CAUGHT!
Since he has millions of [Read more…] about The Jerk Finally Got Caught
The #1 Blind Item Site in the World!
[Blind Gossip] This male singer is really stressed out. He isn’t stressed out because he has been cheating on his celebrity fiancee. He is stressed out because he got CAUGHT!
Since he has millions of [Read more…] about The Jerk Finally Got Caught
[Pop Bitch] Which pint-sized soap star-turned-singer, currently on the comeback trail, has been [Read more…] about The Singer And The Arabs
[Blind Gossip] He has been spending money for the past couple of years as if he is a big rock star with huge world tours. The reality is that most [Read more…] about His Ego Is Bigger Than His Bank Balance
[Blind Gossip] Here’s an interesting foursome of celebrities. Two actors, one model, one singer.
Singer and Actor 1 were dating last year. [Read more…] about Overlapping Foursome
[Blind Gossip] Here is a story that is being shopped around: A few nights ago, this Singer and his band held a concert.
There were a couple of underage girls at the Meet & Greet.
[Blind Gossip] This singer’s ex-husband is doing a lot of whining about how awful it was when he found out that the singer was cheating on him [Read more…] about Whining Over Infidelity
[Lainey Gossip] Before it happened, his friends were begging him not to do it. Begging him not to make it permanent. But he was in too deep, and a little wounded [Read more…] about Why He’s Sleeping On The Couch
[Pop Bitch] Who started the ridiculous rumour that’s been going around MTV this week that [Read more…] about MTV Whispers That Female Singing Star Is Actually A Man
[Blind Gossip] During a tour a couple of years ago, the members of this band routinely picked out young girls from the audience and [Read more…] about Clean Shaven
[New York Daily News] Kelly Clarkson has revealed she feels like she has “the plague” after being rejected by [Read more…] about Rejecting Kelly Clarkson