[Blind Gossip] Well, this is surprising. This very famous and admired person has always presented themselves as coming from a position of strength, calling themselves “a leader” and “a fighter” and “a champion.”
Guess who is now going to try to convince you that they are actually a victim and that you should feel sorry for them?
A strategist close to the situation tells us about the plan:
You can’t come from a position of strength against an opponent who is relentlessly stronger. You would get creamed. [They] know that. So now [they] are going to switch… and play the role of the perpetual victim!
The theme will go something like this: “I am the victim of bias on the basis of (wealth, gender, race, height, health, age, appearance, family, fame, social media, connections, education, whatever). Therefore you should support me because you are all victims too, and we oppressed people can’t let the bullies win!”
Every attack by the opponent will be categorized and countered as 1. a situation which can be blamed on someone else and/or 2. an outrageous lie by the attacker and/or 3. a personal insult for which everyone should be outraged on their behalf.
The strategist added:
Doesn’t matter if it’s true or not. The only thing that matters is if they can sell it!
Interesting. Guess all is fair in love and politics.
Similar: Presidential Candidate Affair
Future Victim:
[Optional] Do you think they will be able to convince people that they are both a perpetual victim and a leader?
MargoKey1 says
Drumpf is going to claim to be the victim — he’s started cozying up to Bernie to garner more support.
He touts being an ‘outsider’ as to why he should be elected; that’s probably what he’ll use to show he’s a victim. He’s been whining for months now about how the process is unfair.
Clearly Hillary is the stronger of the two. She’ll slaughter (or should I say, ‘schlong’) him in the general election.
HalfBloodPrincess says
Trump is a Bully but also an amazing strategist, he obliterated all the other republican candidates with catch phrases, zero substance and most important bullying. “Little Marco”, “Lying Ted”, “Low Energy Jeb” and so on. Now he is setting his sights on Hillary Clinton. Because she is his only real competition now .
He would be a disaster as president. Worse than Bush. The democratic party better unite themselves around Hillary even if people don’t LOVE her. She is our best bet at the…
coolfish9 says
I just want to say that it is TERRIFYING that there are so many Trump supporters here. Saying you support Trump where I live is just… no. He is a total insane person and a bully.
celebiddy says
He probably has a lot of closeted fans where you live who are too scared to admit it because people will call them racist sexist bigots. Those are the go-to insults from democrats who don’t have any valid arguments against trump or in favor of hillary or bernie. I never tell all the liberals i work with that i’m a trump supporter because they just act all shocked/offended and then say we need bernie to win for all that cool “free” stuff hes promising. Sigh. My generation is so entitled…
celebiddy says
Here’s a great quote by the brilliant Scott Adams: “When one person doesn’t understand economics, we call it ignorance. When millions don’t, we call it a political movement.”
InsidetheBeltway says
I live in a one of the most Democrat populated areas in the country. Several of my friends/associates have privately told me that they may vote for Trump. They won’t say it publicly though. They still proudly display their Obama ’08 & Obama ’12 bumper stickers with the occasional Feel the Bern.
CoCoJoe says
Until you mentioned politics, I thought this was about Beyonce.
rockstar says
I see Shillary is shoring up her support. When Trump (rightfully) goes in on her for all her schemes and scandals, murders, rape cover ups, etc, she’s gonna play her ‘gina card. Watch and wait for it, it’s coming. She’s a murderous evil war hawk.
“We have to stand together as women against the scary boogie man”. Come on. I cannot WAIT for the debates. *makes popcorn*
bostonpirate says
Is this Bernie Sanders?….That’s just weird.
Debbio123456 says
Hilary Clinton
The Donald
carnivoro says
They’re both morons and we are all doomed
PhoenixRising says
Maybe we are, and maybe we aren’t. After all, this country survived Nixon and, so far, we’ve survived Obama–kind of. Besides, I don’t think Trump or Clinton will be more than a one-term president, so if you’re looking for any kind of silver lining, that might be it. I just want all this campaign insanity to end, and can hardly wait for November.
InsidetheBeltway says
Lots of similarities between Nixon’s election &Trump’s popularity. Nixon appealed to the angry/alienated, as does Trump. Nixon played to the fear of displacement in the social order as does Trump. The tendency to say things in anger or spite, without a concern of the results can be attributed to both. Hence, the populist vote.
susied says
Future victim: Ted Cruz and his VP mate Carly
Bully: Donald Trump
MrWolf says
Future Victim – Hilary Clinton
Bully – Bernie Sanders
Do I think she’ll be able to convince people? No. She tried a similar tactic against Obama and it didn’t work. I think all of her complaints re: sexism and the “Bernie Bros” will backfire – Not all women identify with Clinton that strongly and Bernie actually has a very good record of fighting for women’s rights.
It might have been better if she saved this for the general election against Trump.
truebritt says
Hillary and Drumpf?
Aurelia says
Optional: Nope.
SueCitySue says
Victim: Hillary Clinton
Bully: Donald Trump
PhoenixRising says
This is probably Hillary playing Trump’s victim.
If this is true, she’s making a huge mistake. The POTUS is supposed to be a powerful person who can stand up to just about anyone. By playing a victim, she might be in danger of losing a lot of her female supporters who will consider her a sell-out. In addition, she might lose other supporters who will see her as too weak to be President.
GiveUpTheGossip says
Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump
You can dislike Hillary, but Trump IS a bully. His attacks on opponents, of any gender, are disgusting and in no way that of a respectable President!
dftbkatie says
Future Victim: HRC
“Bully”: Bernie Sanders/Donald Trump
[Optional] HRC couldn’t convince me of her leadership potential no matter how hard she tried. She is the poster politician for corruption. Her face literally makes me want to heave, and her voice is like nails on a chalkboard. If she or Drumpf get elected as POTUS, we’re equally as screwed.
bellashade says
Hilary is going to play the women are oppressed card. It may be true, but she certainly isn’t a victim of any kind!
Glitter says
Victim? Hillary, of course.
Bully? Donald
jacksonian says
H. Clinton
D.J. Trump
Trump 2016!
FlowerGirl says
The corrupt piece of s*** $hillary. LOATHE HER! She doesn’t stand a chance against insane Trump. If she cared more about this country than her own ego, she’d bow out in favor of Bernie (who consistently beats Trump in polls, & can draw Independent and Repub votes. $hillary won’t even get a majority of Dem votes.) Typical of her, this changling bull. The indictment can’t come soon enough! #BernieOrBust #IndictHillary
jacksonian says
LOL Do you actually know any Republicans who are voting for Sanders? (Btw, my Democrat Mom & Step-Dad, who voted Obama twice, are voting for Trump. )
celebiddy says
A socialist will not be able to sway republicans, sorry
nataliefoster says
Victim: Ted Cruz/Carly Fiorina
Bully: Donald Trump
terry123 says
Please seek therapy, you need help.
bubbasbbq says
Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump
If you can’t take on Trump, how can you take on ISIS? Or Kim Jong Un?
Or Putin?
I would start to minimize you and turn you into a pathetic cartoon character if you tried that on me.
Ramblingirl says
gina128 says
Hillary zzzzzzzzz please make her go away.
CatInTheHat says
Must be Carly Fiorina, Cruz just named her as running mate.
She couldn’t convince me it was raining outside if I was standing there getting soaked.
They make a great pair and deserve each other.
CatInTheHat says
sigh…sorry – bully would be trump, of course.
OoLaLana says
I’m not a fan and never have been but have watched her career from a distance.
Nothing feels natural about her. It all seems strained and manufactured.
3Hearted1 says
On second thought:
Future Victim: Hillary Clinton
Bully: Donald Trump
As convincing as pigs flying
thelasthigh says
Trump the Chump whining that the GOP is against him
3Hearted1 says
Future Victim: Donald Trump
Bully: Hillary Clinton
As convincing as pigs flying
sayswho says
Gotta be Donald Trump! A true snake oil salesman!
Aurora says
Hillary Clinton and Donald Drumpf
FiyahHotFlashy says
Future Victim: Hillary Clinton
Bully: Trump
NO…I would like to think people are on to their game by now. Just this morning I saw on the news Trump accusing Hillary of playing the “woman card”…SMH!
Delightful says
Hillary Clinton.
sunstamp says
Hillary: Victim
The Donald: Bully
Won’t work at all
waysouthofheaven says
andragon says
Donald Trump’s strategy against Hillary Clinton in the general presidential election.
Fergus says
Hillary. Tell a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.
dittobelle says
Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump
Valfunde says
Future Victim: Hillary Clinton
Bully: Obviously, Donald Trump
Do I think Hillary can pull it off? Maybe. Hillary’s going to use the “Woman Card” on Trump. He’s a bully and has no interest in women beyond their attractiveness and sexist crap like that. I think they could convince people of this since Hillary with her credentials and being a successful woman who has had to overcome challenges to get to where she is today, stands as a polar opposite of the blustery, born into $ Trump.
smileyriot says
Future Victim: Hilary Clinton
Bully: Donald Trump
cocowowo says
Oh Hillary, Hillary, Hillary.
Hillary. Trump. No, but they’re all inept twat-bags.
Selkie says
This sounds like Hillary, but I don’t think anyone would be surprised at her playing the victim card, since she’s been doing that all along. So maybe Trump is taking a page from her play book and becoming a whiner. This election is so pathetic!
lisalisa63 says
Khadafi says
Hillary and Donald
Aspasia says
bhakti says
Trump and Hilldawg but I’m not sure which one is which.
mamasaid says
Hilary, since Trump is surprisingly kicking ass.
memommamo says
Donald Trump (Victim), Hillary Clinton (Bully).
I have already researched moving my family to Canada.
algarve2016 says
Future Victim: Hillary Clinton
Bully: Donald Trump
Optional: No. In order to win a presidential election, you have to play the leader and not the victim.
scriptguy says
Future Victim: Donald Trump
Bully: Hilary Clinton
He’s already playing his victimhood up – the Republican party is against him, the media is against him, protesters are the real bullies, etc etc. It’s worked for him so far… But God help us all if he pulls it off in the national election.
Jester says
Agree with you.
NativeAtlantaGirl says
Trump is constantly playing these cards. If we had to drink every time he used the word “unfair”, we would be on our 3rd liver by now. What is unfortunate is that the media continues to kiss his rump despite his treatment of them, not call him out on his lies/flip-flopping, and his supporters who are ruled by emotion and blind to facts.
Dancing with Mr D says
Either Trump or Clinton?
ethelm says
I’m voting for Hillary for this blind item. The blame game has been her signature move.
violetbeauregard says
Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump
jennyrosehill22 says
Donald Trump
Hillary Clinton
michellelp says
Hillary Clinton?
Donald Trump?
I’m not with her so I don’t think she will be able to convince us of anything.
Jimmy D says
Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump
emster says
Victim: Bernie Sanders
Bully: Hillary Clinton
Trump supporter here. I may not agree with Sanders’ ideas, but I’ve always respected him for trying to fight and expose the corrupt system. It’s a shame he’s going to play the victim card because I thought he was better than that. But he’s about to lose the nomination to Clinton and I guess desperate times call for desperate measures.
taracu says
Donald Drumpf about Hillary?
I heard him the other day saying she was benefiting from being a female, that if she were male she’d get < 5% of the vote
Whatever. Everything the comes out of his mouth is a lie
MsBloodyMystery says
Clinton and Trump?
cally2 says
Oh, Donald.
stolidog says
This is just a preemptive republican attack against Clinton.
smiller2000 says
Future Victim: Hillary Clinton
Bully: Donald Trump
Can she pull it off? Based on all the previous lies & cover ups, Yes.
mzlizzi says
Future Victim: Bernie Sanders
Bully: Hillary Clinton
[Optional] Do you think they will be able to convince people that they are both a perpetual victim and a leader? No
Jinkies says
Future Victim: Hillary Clinton
Bully: Donald Trump
This is comical. No one wants a perpetual “victim” serving as the president of the United States of America. A “victim” persona will never be able to convey strength to other countries – or even our own country -especially when there are other countries and enemies who want to do harm to the U.S. and will relish another weak U.S. leader, especially when it comes to terrorism.
PinkCrayon says
Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump
I wanted Bernie to win, so I’m totally over this race. Just hope Trump doesn’t win now.
Jester says
I am with you 100%!!! ?
tonisl says
vodkabarbie says
It’s Donald Trump being bullied because his tiny baby hands, but the blind can’t say that because it would give it away.
Goodgrief says
I am going with Hillary since Cruz isn’t very famous or admired.
Nataliexyz says
Future Victim: Hillary Clinton
Bully: Donald Trump
I think Hillary will spin any way she can get away with. The woman has no shame.
Goodgrief says
Future Victim: Ted Cruz, he is a minority by race and appearance, he looks like Grandpa Munster, or Hillary Clinton, she is a minority by gender and maybe age.
Bully: Donald Trump
Kerzep says
the Donald.
It’s going to be fun watching him lose – big time!
Kerzep says
Oh, and I guess the bullies are the Republican Party Leaders.
Virgo826 says
Vic: Hillary
Bully: Donald Drumpf
realityhooked says
D trump
alulubug says
Oh geesh. Is this Beyoncé and her god awful Lemonade thing ? Never a fan and even less so now.
mkc333 says
CLEARLY Hillary Clinton. I’m tired of being told that I should support her because I’m a woman.
spunkie brewster says
Kelly Ripa
ABC or Strahan
spunkie brewster says
Or Beyonce
spunkie brewster says
Last guess:
Hillary Clinton
Bernie Sanders
xtine says
Hillary, you are crooked!!!! All aboard the Trump train! I hope it runs her over.
DreaDay681 says
I think this is Hillary, she’s a “victim” because she’s a female.
Trump is the bully. He IS a bully, so that part is true.
No, I don’t think it will work.
nonsequiturchica says
Future Victim: Donald Trump
Bully: Hillary Clinton
Optional: Trump doesn’t have a chance in hell.
1Bellebottomblues says
scumby says
Victim-poor helpless woman Hillary Clinton
Bully: Trump
Only the stupid-which is a lot-will buy Hillary’s victimhood
gossipzillaisback says
Future Victim: Hillary
Bully: Trump
optional: No, she won’t be able to convince people about being both a victim and a leader. But she will win the elections nonetheless #imwithher
By the way, considering the outrageous things Trump has said, it does sound like a winning strategy to portray him for the bully he is.
Rottweiler says
Future Victim: Hillary claiming that she is a female victim as all women are, but she didn’t some to the defense of the women Slick Willy was raping.
Bully: Trump
afternoondelight says
Future victim: Hillary Clinton
Bully: Donald Trump
No, she won’t be able to pull it off.
celebiddy says
Clearly hildawg trying to play the victim card since she doesnt stand a chance against trump. Not gonna work!!! No one wants a drainbow with victim mentality to run the country. She is an atrocious human being. #TRUMP2016
(I’m a 24 year old female living in one of americas most liberal cities fwiw)
carnivoro says
Good for you, you’re 24, you’ll see the error of your ways soon enough
Jester says
Very good possibility. I thought a lot differently when I was younger and didn’t understand, nor wanted to, at a young age.
celebiddy says
And just to be clear, jester, i am very informed and interested. I have watched every single debate (on both sides) from start to finish. I have watched nearly every town hall and interview of all the current candidates. I watch a variety of news channels and read a variety of websites. Despite being raised by extreme liberals in an extremely liberal city, i was finally able to open my eyes and consider the other perspective on things. And guess what? The right side resonated with me so much…
KWDragon says
Thank you, carnivoro! 🙂
celebiddy says
Don’t be ageist. I only included my name and gender since according the the left-wing media machine trump doesn’t stand a chance with young females. (Especially university graduates) And i was actually a life long democrat who finally saw the error of my ways and re-registered republican last year.
MissSichuan says
That was beautiful.
jbpeaches23 says
I’m sorry, but “the error of her ways”?? She can’t be wise because she’s “only” 24? I’m a 37 year old female, and I also believe Hillary is a poor choice for President. I’m not a Trump supporter, but celebiddy is certainly on the “right” side to me!
celebiddy says
Thank you!!! The number of times a person has gone around the sun doesn’t indicate how mature/thoughtful/intelligent they are. And rand paul was actually my #1 pick but since he dropped out i’m all for trump to shake things up! As long as we get a republican president, though, i will be happy 🙂
vajislav says
Celebiddy, stop watching the debates because they don’t mean a damn thing. Check the way the candidate voted on issues important to you in the past, read the minutes of the important meetings they attend, See which functions they attend and who they support. It’s so easy to lie at debates and they do lie). Tv debates are all gesturing and fake charm.
Nataliexyz says
Good for you! I love to hear a young person who is involved and interested in the future of our country. Hillary will be a disaster. I’m not a Trump fan, but I will vote for him. Like you, I was a Rand Paul supporter. I would actually vote for Trump 10x before I would vote for Hillary. I’ve loathed the sight and sound of her, and her faux husband, since the 90s. What a distasteful “husband and wife”, and their daughter is another huge joke. Don’t get me started.
High Steppa says
Right on celebiddy! I am also a female (older than you) and I am not fooled by Hillz and her “victim” mentality by constantly playing the gender card. I vote with my brain, NOT my lady parts!
Ginger says
Oh Hilary. What a sad approach. If my loved one was a Bengazi victim, I would hit the ceiling.
cafeaulait says
goggles says
Hilary Clinton and “her woman card”
crack is whack says
His die hard supporters will buy anything he sells.
Dogofblue says
But Hillary’s aren’t the same. Come on, you have to be a die hard to support either one of these two fakers.
JussstSaying says
This is about Trump. He’s gonna dig his heels into this whole ‘reverse racism/reverse sexism’ schtick because he has no public policy experience or concrete plans to take on Clinton. He knows he can’t push her around like he did the Republicans. It’s already started with him accusing her of relying on the ‘woman card.’
jokerjim65 says
Really? Trump is the alpha dog of attack dogs. Not a single person would ever think he would try to sell that kind of image, his handlers would never even bring that up. trump is a 100% in your face kind of guy.
No public policy experience is light years better than the disastrous Arab Spring. Her history in public policy and pathological lying will hurt her more than any of the numerous scandals, real or imagined.
PoniTayl says
+1,000 Joker! 😉
butwhatever says
I think the answer to the blind is Hillary, but Trump does do a fair amount of talking about how everything is rigged, and Megyn Kelly/FOX was unfair to him, and blah blah blah.
GoddessPinkAngel says
JussstSaying -You nailed it! Trump’s playing the ‘everyone is is picking on US’, ‘We’re the REAL victims here’ etc. card. He’s got his supporters believing that he’s one of them. Sister please, his only use for ‘the common man’ is to vault him and his massive ego into the ultimate power position. They’re being played, and they don’t even get the destruction that could be caused by this thin skinned, immature, narcissistic babyman. That. Is. All.
Vanessa501 says
Hilary Clinton?
sabrina325 says
Donald Trump?
vickyf89 says
Future Victim: Hillary
Bully: Donald
mommagoosed says
Based on other things I’ve read, this sounds like:
Victim: Hillary Clinton
“Bully”: Bernie Sanders
Optional: Oh, sure, they can convince some people because we (in general) seem to believe things on face value, anyway, without researching it for ourselves.
Jaqaranda says
That’s the sad truth.
Estrogen says
Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump
lagally says
Why do we want a victim as President?
Also, as a woman I cannot forget how she bullied bill’s alleged rape victims
Enough with the dynasties
Either Sanders or Trump!