[Blind Gossip] While the debate among a couple of high-profile personalities rages in front of the camera, we hear that there is an even uglier battle going on behind the scenes!
What are they fighting about? Tens of millions of dollars!
Here’s the deal: Advertisers paid a certain rate to advertise on a certain TV show based on a variety of factors (network, time slot, audience size, demographics, etc.)
In the case of the Super Bowl, advertisers don’t make their buys contingent on any one athlete playing in the game. However, in the case of our show, the players – and one player in particular – matter a lot. If the star player doesn’t show, the audience size may shrink drastically, not only for the show itself, but for pre- and post-shows as well.
Network executives are refusing to bend to the star’s demands to ensure his attendance. Angry advertisers are threatening to pull out of ad buys if network execs don’t deliver the star and the audience. Everybody is unhappy and yelling at each other. What’s at risk? Almost $20 Million!
Similar: Republican Tears
[Optional] What would you do if you were the network executives?
allabouteva says
Trump’s refusal to participate in the debate points to both his monstrous ego and the shallowness and cowardice at the core of his character. No matter how much he despises Megyn Kelly, his feelings – his ego – should have no effect on his ability to handle the questions and challenges of the debate. A leader must be able to speak to, negotiate with, even compromise with any person, group, institution or nation rationally and objectively. If stamping his little foot and screaming “it’s her…
Mellmac says
If you are a news organization you don’t bend to the candidate’s demands and you assure advertisers this publicity will lead to a big audience, or just tell advertisers he’s crazy enough to crash the party like Kobayashi.
mermaidh2 says
I’m no Trump supporter, but I actually agree with him on this. There’s no way Megyn Kelly can be an unbiased moderator after the fiasco and fallout of her last “moderation”. He’s a pig, but a debate moderator’s job is to keep things fair and she repeatedly singled him and attacked him personally during that first debate. She’s horrible at her job and Fox was just trying to bait Donald and boost ratings by having her “moderate” again…and it backfired to the tune of $20 million…
kimbers says
:p trump with the fox execs.
He’s such a * and he knows it. His insecurities are obvious no matter how ridiculously hard he tries to hide it. Just do the debate chump bc it’s the best drinking game in forever! He is salesmanship needs work. What a loser!
Ginger says
I LOVE it that he’s screwing with the media. LOVE IT. It’s about time.
scumby says
this is what a true leader does.
Jester says
I could be way off, but I will guess Fox (faux) for the network, the next Republican debate, and (choke) star Donald Trump.
If my guess is remotely correctly, I would make damn sure that ‘The Donald’ showed up!!!
I can’t believe that this goon is leading in the GOP…?
RitaSkeeter says
Network: fox
Show: the presidential debate
Star: donald trump
[Optional] What would you do if you were the network executives? Get him anyhow… because the more he speaks, the more voters will be against him. And he NEEDS to lose!!!
Tinkerbell says
Trump bailing on a debate?
slimfast10 says
Of course,, The Donald’s pullout heard round the world…
the most unfair and unbalanced Fox Network
the Republican Debate
advertisers want Megyn Kelly out and the Donald in
I don’t care what they do wouldn’t watch anything on Fox News
marashin says
Thursday night’s GOP debate
Fox news
emme212 says
Dear Fox News, please don’t give in. Then he really would be able to get away with anything.
sublimeLime says
Fox News
That Debate
That disgusting sewer mouth Trump
They’re not hurting for money they’ll be fine.
cobycat says
I think he will do something with Vets to get better attention
Bamadex says
Trump and the Fox debate.
Pinkieswear says
Network : FoxNews
Show : Republican/Google Debate
Star : Donald Trump
Don’t bend to Trump’s will!! I think Trump has a HUGE head, and his tantrums and demands only prove that he is out for himself. If Trump can’t handle questions from Megyn Kelly, he should go back to future-ex-wife-hunting and leave the rest of the world alone.
xiopio says
Republican Debate
Donald Trump
sunshine702 says
Rep. Final Debate
Kerzep says
Fox News
GOP Debate
Donald Trump
Carolina Girl says
GOP Debate
Donald Trump
Fox Network
Take Megan Kelly off and replace her with someone better… Hilary or Rosie
kathk567 says
Trump and the Republican Debate. Big crybaby afraid Megyn Kelly will point out his stupidity.
truebritt says
Fox Republican debate — Donald Trump and Megyn Kelly
Littlehorse says
That ‘player’ who’s supposed to matter so much? You know, TRUMP…Well, forget it.
The advertisers know their money is still well spent and the audience won’t be tuning in just to see Trump – the arrogant side-show clown of a candidate – but all of them.
Besides, any of them who are still angry come Friday morning will be offered a sweetheart, ‘gee we’re sorry’ deal by Fox and they’ll be satisfied.
bhakti says
Faux News ahem, Fox
Show idk I don’t watch anything on that channel
“Star” Donald I can say and do whatever I want to Trump
TheGinger says
I can only think of Fox, The presidential debate, Trump
waysouthofheaven says
Fox News
Republican Debate
Donald Trump
mandlee says
Presidential Debate
Donald Tramp
They did the right thing
LiamForeman says
Trump/FauxNews Debate
Okayeah says
Going with Fox News/Debates/Donald Trump.
I’d stand firm, but that’s why I’ll never make it in Hollywood. Ultimately, though, does anybody really even watch commercials?
felicia says
Fox Network
Donald Trump
GOP Debate
If I were network execs, I would keep Megyn Kelly on. Trump shouldn’t be able to bully them for such a serious event. It’s not like we’re talking about The Apprentice.. We’re talking about a debate of perhaps a FUTURE PRESIDENT.
LeeLee12345 says
GOP Debate
KatieLiz says
GOP Debate
Phillipmcd says
Fox News
GOP Debate
Donald Trump
natassia says
Half-time show?
tarbaby says
Fox news show, Republican debate, Donald Trump
lahteb says
Donald Trump pulling out of the GOP debates on Fox “News”
Mia444 says
Trump, of course. EVERYTHING always comes down to money, doesn’t it? Sigh. I guess if I were in the cut-throat world of TV and the only thing that counted was dollar signs, I’d dump Megyn Kelly and kowtow to Trump’s childish demands like the effing wimp I was. So stupid.
Delightful says
That’s just Trump not participating in Megyn Kelly’s debate. So pointless, why are we still pretending this guy is a suitable candidate to run the USA.
AnguaDelphine says
Donald Trump and the Fox News debate. This is the story being put out by his campaign.
AnguaDelphine says
Oh, and if this is true, I’m pretty sure Fox will cave. I have absolutely zero faith in their journalistic integrity.
Captain Tragedy says
Gotta be
Network: Fox News
Show: Republican Debate
Star: Donald Trump
Optional: I wouldn’t bow to him, but then, I’m more concerned with letting him show his tough talk is all hot air, rather than the profit to be gained from advertising during the event.
Saphron says
Fox News
Republican Debate
Donald Trump
KWDragon says
Trump is being such a whiner about this. Does he really believe that if he becomes president, he can just freeze out any media he doesn’t like?
If the execs had even a shred of journalistic integrity, they would stand firm and let Trump and the advertisers fall where they may; therefore, I expect them to fold like a cheap suit.
algarve2016 says
Network: Fox
Show: Presidential Candidate Debate
Star: Donald Trump
Optional: Secretly hire Rosie O’Donnell to join the woman he hates, and Gloria Steinhem, as well. Then watch him be obnoxious and horrible, and hope the people who think he’s wonderful will wake up to the fact that really, he hates women.
He just uses them when he wants to, but otherwise, blames them for anything which goes wrong. He’s a jerk.
basketballgrl says
Fox News
Republican debate
Donald Chump
VT1415 says
Pres Debates
The Donald
WhoDatGirl says
Network: Fox News
Show: Republican Primary Debate
Star: Donald Trump
If I were the network executives, I’d stop writing snarky sound bytes just to piss this guy off if his presence on their debate means so much to their bottom line. They can report on him objectively, but they should lay off the character assassination until they get what they want from him. I don’t like the guy, but he can say yes or no if he wants. I think it’s a bad idea from a campaign standpoint though…
Dancing with Mr D says
Donald Trump not showing up at the debate in Iowa(?)
dylanolivia says
Fox News
Republican Debate
Donald Trump
Continue – Trump won’t be missed.
totskie says
The republican debate on Fox. Trump is throwing a tantrum about Megyn Kelley. Why? Because she calls him out on his behavior. I just wish she would show the damn emails and notes he sent her before the first debate she moderated.
It worries me that so many people want to vote for Trump.
TeacherKat says
This is Trump refusing to participate in the debate because Meghan Kelly is “unfair.”
I’m more right leaning on a lot issues (I’m a libertarian) but I do not understand Trumps appeal beyond the fact that he is an outsider. There is no substance behind what he says. I say good on FOX for sticking up for its employees. Trump is a hypocrite that can dish out but can’t take it.
Glennythegreat says
Obviously Donald Trump not going to the GOP debate
canna10 says
Network: Fox News
Show: GOP Debate
Star: Donald Trump
Seahawks12 says
Network: Fox
Show: Republican Debate
Star: The Donald
[Optional] What would you do if you were the network executives? Suck it up. You can’t win them all!
cheezhead says
Fox News
Republican debate
Donald trump
I can’t believe he’s still a candidate
jonesing says
This “The Donald” not wanting to be on Fox News because he wants Megan Kelly off the show. He also will not talk to anyone but Rupert Murdoch. I’m no fan of Fox but…they shouldn’t bend to the advertisers or Trump. If they do, who else calls the shots when they go on the show. I’m sure quite a few but this will just highlight it more. I’ve come to think of most politicians as pro-wrestlers. It’s all smoke and mirrors.
SeijnSei says
Network: ABC
Show: Oscars
Star: Chris Rock
[Optional] What would you do if you were the network executives? Giving him what he wants is the best form of damage control.
sunshinestar says
Donald Trump ditching the next debate – Fox
nonsequiturchica says
Network: Fox
Show: Republican debate
“Star”: Donald Trump
Yes those quotation marks are there for a reason.
lunchcoma says
Fox. The upcoming GOP debate. Donald Trump.
I’d let him walk, because I think he’ll ultimately give in and show up anyway.
einniw says
Network: Fox
Show: the Republican debate
Star: Trump
[Optional] What would you do if you were the network executives? I would stand my ground & not give into his demands. They can find other advertisers that respect their decision to let him walk.
Kip Terhune says
GOP Debate
Jump on the #FU_Trump bandwagon (which they’ll NEVER do)!
alulubug says
Republican debate
The Donald
BoughsOfHolly says
The freak show that is the republican debate with the “star” being Donald Trump.
HollySleuth says
Network: Fox
Show: Debate
Star: The Donald
[Optional] What would you do if you were the network executives? Not sure there’s anything they CAN do …
stillmb says
Presidential Debate
Trump (and all of his hot air)
MizGrandma says
Fox News/debate. 30 years ago I wrote a series of magazine articles on negotiation. One of the techniques, I called the “crazy lady”– exactly the technique Trump always uses. It allows him to lie to your face, bully & generally act so nutso that so appalls nice folks that they let the user of this technique get away with almost everything. My advice back then as writer was to back away from anyone using this toxic technique, primarily because you can’t win. My answer is Crazy Lady Trump.
troggles says
Republication debate
violetbeauregard says
Jan. 27, 2016 GOP debate
Donald Trump
If Trump doesn’t want to participate, then so be it.
JohnCarson says
Network: Fox
Show: Republican Debates
Star: Donald Trump
What would I do? Fox cannot agree to the demand to replace Megyn Kelly and I would like to say move ahead with the show without the star, but $20mm is a lot to give up without a fight. I would be working hard to find a compromise – maybe add Rosie O’Donnell to ask questions of the candidates?
dstdiva says
Fox News, Thursday’s primary debate, Donald Trump
fotobandi says
I’d tell The Donald to go EFF OFF!
Jinkies says
Network: Fox News
Show: January 28th Republican Debate
Star: Donald Trump
I wouldn’t cave in to Trump nor to the advertiser’s demands. Trump doesn’t want to participate in the debate – so be it. Acquiescing to one candidate, regardless of political affiliation, shows favortism to that candidate by giving in to their demands over other candidates, regardless if it affects ratings & advertising revenue, Fox should drop the Youtube “stars” video question part of the…
capio03 says
Debate on Fox Donald Trump
mamacita3 says
Fox, Republican debate, Trump
Get another moderator. They know Trump had issues with Megyn Kelly from the get-go.
cordtx says
Trump the Dump.
He’s a giant man child
kcphilly says
Fox, Trump and the debate. If he’s not going to show, the execs should reimburse the advertisers for the extra money they spent for that slot, better to do that than have them turn on you completely.
bubbajane says
Trump. Who else? I can’t stand this idiot.
realityhooked says
Fox network
Fox News. – republican debate
Donald trump
andragon says
Network: Fox News
Show: Republican Debate
Star: The rotting sweet potato come to life
MacTalk says
I can’t even. That is literally the best description of him that I have heard!
Red Velvet says
“The rotting sweet potato” — GENIUS!
JMarie says
Fox Network
Presidential Candidate Debate
Donald Trump
Don’t care, can’t stand the bigot.
spikelb says
GOP Debate
Trump . . . obviously.
Hey if Fox wants to turn the debates into entertainment, then that’s how ratings and advertising dollars work. Hell at this point, just turn the whole GOP primary into a cheesy reality TV show. It’s half way there.
realityhooked says
Fox network
Donald trump – star
johnnyjewel says
scumby says
Fox News
they can’t do anything
scooby says
Network: Fox
Show: Republican presidential debate
Star: Donald Trump
If I was the network I’d stand my ground.
exit81 says
Fox News
The next Republican debate
Markme says
Fox, republican debate, Trump
Guccigal says
Network: Fox
Show- Republican Debates
Star: Trump
melly123 says
Fox, Donald Trump
Pixley says
Network: Fox News
Show: The Republican Debate
Star: Donald Trump
Cable news networks gave up the pretense of being about journalistic integrity around the time that they were formed by multinational corporations, so unless they can afford $20 million in makegoods, I’d find a new moderator.
ladysussex says
Ah good point, Pixley! I wonder if there actually is anything like journalistic integrity at all these days.
Rottweiler says
Network: FOX
Show: Republican Debate
Star: Trump
Trump shows his genius again. He knew that FOX was going to try to bait him with Megan Kelly. He also knew that to withdraw from the debate would hit FOX right in the pocketbook. Good for Donald.
mythsayer says
So when he doesn’t like a world leader, it’s totally okay for him to just refuse to talk? Or to refuse to attend a world summit because he’s in a snit? A president should be able to handle being attacked by people he doesn’t like. The fact that he just says “unfair!” Tells me everything I need to know (as if all the racist comments weren’t enough to do it).
voyeur says
@mythsayer. Yes, yes, yes. Could not agree with you more! Well said!
1sunnyone says
FOX and Megan Kelly aren’t world leaders. This is actually a brilliant move, no one is talking about any other candidate except him right now.
Everyone seems to have developed a case of amnesia regarding the last Kelly moderated Debate, it was juvenile and laughable and the only reason FOX put her as moderator again is to create drama over it.
mar1ey says
Yes, they are talking about him…they are talking about his ongoing hostile behavior toward Megan Kelly. They are talking about why he would go to such great lengths to get her fired. And that is what he is doing. He has attacked her ever since the first GOP debate and it is bizarre at best.
Women, we DO NOT want this man in office.
Nataliexyz says
Republican Debate
Donald Trump v Roger Ailes
Fox put out an inflammatory press release. I think they’re going to have to apologize and show a gesture of goodwill. Not sure what that would be…whether pulling Megan Kelly, or making a donation to Wounded Warriors to get Trump to agree to show up.
yourPRisajoke says
Network: Fox News
Show: the next Republican debate
Star: Trump
[Optional] What would you do if you were the network executives? Tell him to go scratch. If he’s threatening to not show up for a scheduled debate less than a week before the first caucus, he’s got no business running for President. What’s he going to do when another world leader rubs him the wrong way before the G8 Summit – stay home and hold his own event at his golf course?
mythsayer says
THANK YOU! I don’t understand how anyone can support him. If Hillary or even sanders said even a tenth of what he says, they’d get skewered. Somehow he says it, or refuses to play nice with the other kids, and it’s totally fine. It boggles my mind.
SammynSophie says
lily0182 says
Network: Fox News
Show: Fox News/Google Republican Debate
Star: Donald Trump (NOT a star)
[Optional] What would you do if you were the network executives? I would NEVER work for Fox News, so I can’t answer that question.
buttersmom says
Network: ABC
bmj524 says
Network: Fox News
Show: The GOP Debate
“Star”: Donald Trump
I really hope that the network sticks to their guns on this one. I hate pretty much all parties involved, but if you put a gun to my head, I’d side with Fox. Ugh.
KWDragon says
I feel ya, bmj524. Siding with Fox feels like a Faustian bargain at best. My soul hurts, and the power gain is infinitessimal. :-O
terry123 says
Eloquently said.
SammynSophie says
I wish BG had a “like” button so I could “like” this, and all the responses that followed.
tiger13 says
same. all the commenters supporting Trump make me sad
tellmemore says
I feel the same way, and it pisses me off that he’s put me in the position of siding with Fox and Megan Kelly.
Fergus says
Kelly needs to get really ‘sick’, and be admitted to ICU ASAP, then FOX needs to apologize.
tellmemore says
Apologize for what? Asking a presidential candidate an uncomfortable question about his own public behavior? If he can’t handle that, how is he going to handle meetings with less-than-friendly foreign leaders? Trump is pouting like a petulant child because he can’t actually fire the source of his problem, which is all he knows how to do. How can he possibly be president?
NativeAtlantaGirl says
Agree. If Megyn is a “bimbo”, what does that make a woman who poses naked in Playboy and married him for money /citizenship? (It certainly wasn’t for his looks or ability to be an involved father).
Heathersmist says
moses1684 says
carnivoro says
Matthew Perry
Estrogen says
Republican Presidential Debate
Donald Trump
Laughing1 says
Guess that’ll teach good ol’ Fox News! I don’t feel sorry for them in the least!
Go Donald! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! 🙂
flower says
lagally says
mar1ey says
Yes..GO DONALD!! Straight to the EXIT and KEEP GOING!!!!!
Amy123 says
Go Trump! The only candidate that will not be bought. Make America great again, ’cause the Liberals are turning it into a giant cesspool.
rock400 says
Trump and the GOP debate.
css1014 says
Network: Fox
Show: Republican debate
Star: Donald Trump
lagally says
Yup..GO Trump!
Fox is despicable. Megan, the witch kelly has attacked him for the past 6 months.
Meanwhile roger Ailes is begging trump to go thru with the debate, calling his wife and daughter and getting or oreill to beg him too
Meanwhile Fox and Murdoch are attacking trump in the press and fox / Murdoch is begging and cajoling Bloomberg ( mommy state) to run for president. Bloomberg is liberal so fox has betrayed it’s loyal republican viewers and the viewers that support trump…
Taunnie says
Trump doesn’t require defending. He’s fine even if the media ignores him. Don’t understand anyone who comes with a sympathy card for this guy. At the end of the day he’s a billionaire, and the rest of us peons are just tools for him to use to realize his goal.
yathome says
Well said, pawns in his game
Of power!
aemish says
Also Roger Ailes is Jeb Bush’s cousin, no?
cjbomb says
So if World leaders are MEAN and UNFAIR Trump just won’t meet with them.
goodbuddy says
“So if World leaders are MEAN and UNFAIR Trump just won’t meet with them.”