[Blind Gossip] This revival TV show should have announced its stars weeks ago. They’re stalling.
Why? Because they can’t get anyone else to commit for the salaries they are offering!
They blew the budget on the first big name star.
Now they have to divvy up the remainder among the rest of the cast. But what other star is going to settle for a paycheck that’s a quarter of what [Big Name Star] is earning for doing exactly the same job?
The producers thought that they were making some smart move but they forgot about all the other big egos!
Big Name Star has been tooting her own horn about her payday, so it would cause an uproar if they tried to claw back her salary. Producers are likely hoping at this point that one big name is enough to make people tune in!
Similar: Romantic Musical Chairs
TV Show:
Big Name Star:
[Optional] Will you be watching the revival?
TV Show: American Idol
Big Name Star: Katy Perry
The American Idol revival is having trouble recruiting a panel of judges!
There are supposed to be four judges. Auditions start this week. They announced that singer Katy Perry was joining the judges panel on May 22, 2017. Three months later… and Perry is still the only judge who has signed on!
They gave a whopping $25 million to Katy Perry. That was supposedly HALF of their entire budget… which means that there’s not much left for everyone else!
The second biggest offer went to Lionel Richie.
He turned it down. They offered him $5 million, exactly 1/5 of Perry’s salary.
The other offers – to singers Charlie Puth, Luke Bryan and Keith Urban – were even less!
What did producers expect? Would you want to do EXACTLY the same job as the person sitting next to you knowing that they are making 5-10 times as much as you? Whose ego would stand for that?
Looks like they’re going to have to add some industry types (e.g. record executives) into the mix to fill out that panel.
A few more details from TMZ:
‘American Idol’ Struggling to Find Judges And the Clock is Ticking
The “American Idol” reboot seems to be in crisis — honchos still haven’t locked down a second, third and possibly fourth judge, with only 6 weeks until cameras roll.
The issue with Lionel Richie, we’re told, is his team’s asking around $10 mil … double what they want to pay. ‘A.I.’ producers are also still debating whether to go with 3 or 4 judges. At this point it all comes down to money, but it sounds like they’d like 4.
Auditions for ‘Idol’ hopefuls kick off Thursday in Orlando, but filmed auditions in front of the judges don’t begin until the end of Sept.
So there’s still time … but it’s getting dicey.
Did you pick up on the clues?
“Uproar” and “claw back” both refer to Katy Perry’s hit song, “Roar.” The clue “tune in” and the musical notes in the original image should have guided you towards some type of music show.
Congratulations to Jasekian for being first with the correct response!
lookyloo says
The producers should claw back her salary. That price tag is just ~way too high for someone who isn’t doing too well in music sales right now. When the show tanks a lot of people will be out of a job and it’s going to look bad on her as well as the network–so just cutback/renegotiate her salary asap.
–Also her bragging over and over about how much the show was paying her is so *. Was a interested in this remake in the beginning but definitely not going to watch the show now.
LC1216 says
I’m confused. I don’t really respect Katy as an artist. Why would they pay her so much money? Just because she can sing? Now if you had someone like Paul McCartney or someone who actually knew music and wrote their own music, I’d have more respect for their critiquing of people auditioning. Katy’s a joke…and no…I will not be watching the idol reboot.
clairebear10 says
Definitely Kate Hudson. And fwiw – So Cal is ridiculous for lice. My daughter never had it before we lived there. Now we’re back on the East coast and she hasn’t had it since. Another thing – NO TEA TREE OIL. Seriously. Make little kids grow boobies!!!
LC1216 says
Katy Perry is the draw??? I would prefer JLo and Harry Connick Jr. I respect them more. They’re older and more seasoned. I’m not watching Katy Perry. To me, she’s a joke, decent voice, but as a judge…a complete joke.
Cookiedoe41 says
louisianalady says
I would rather watch 24 hours straight of Jlo singing Jenny from the block…..without auto tune than to watch five minutes of kitty purry. Let American idol Rest In Peace!!!!
yo1774 says
That’s impossible. They already filmed the new season and in fact the show was renewed for another one
sublimeLime says
I never watched the original run of American Idol so not watching this one.
Patchouli says
American Idols
Katy Perry
Lothar says
missmia22 says
First person that comes to mind is Katy Perry.. American Idol
I think the clue is “claw” since she has the song “Eye of the Tiger” or something like that!
Carigirl says
Roseanne is the only one I can think of
NativeAtlantaGirl says
American Idol
Katy Perry
Nope. It will last one season.
SouthJerseyGirl says
American Idol Reboot
Katy Perry is the big star
jolael says
American Idol
Katy Petty
I will not be watching.
Brunettetalk says
Darn it says “her,”. then — Roseanne?
Brunettetalk says
Rocko of Rocko’s modern life, turtle Filbert and dog Spunky are threatening to no show unless there’s a salary bump.
MadGal says
TV Show: American Idol
Big Name Star: Katy Perry
salvee says
The L Word sequel?
SophieG says
American Idol
Katy Perry
Clues include sheet music in pic and use of word “uproar.”
Gen1982 says
American Idol
Katy Perry
roar, claw
kellyk says
American Idol
Katy Perry
Uproar – Roar
No, she’s the reason I wouldn’t watch. I don’t mind her music but can’t stand her opinions. I also think she’s too manufactured pop.
carriebradshaw says
American idol, Katy Perry
sabrina325 says
American Idol, Katy Perry
GretaGuesses says
TV Show: American Idol
Big Name Star: Katy Perry
Clues: sheet music in the picture, revival TV show, uproar…Katy has a song called “Roar”.
I may give the show a watch. I was a big fan of American Idol from the beginning, but the magic really was Simon, Paula and Randy. I find Katy Perry hard to tolerate, so I don’t imagine I will be a regular viewer at all.
EastlakeGirl says
TV Show: American Idol
Big Name Star: Katy Perry
Clues: up”ROAR”
JerzeyJenn says
Katy Perry
American Idol Reboot
Roar clue is one of her songs.
Unfortunately unless they get Lionel Richie I prob wouldn’t tune in. I lost interest after like 4 seasons. Hes great all around with regards to talent, personality etc..&IMO be a major asset. While i like Katy Perry i think $25mil is more his expected &well deserved range. Now that info’s public his team would prob go for $50mil if he could do it so no go for him 🙁 hes too busy touring with Mariah anywayz i believe 🙁
KatarinaJ says
Katy Perry as the first American Idol re-boot judge. Heard Kelly Clarkson may be back as a judge.
Palermo says
is this Roseanne?
jasper says
well, while W&G has already been upped for a 2d season, none of the cast are really “Big Name” stars, even between the two female leads. (MM > DM, imo)
Roseanne is the only one I’m waiting for, and Goodman is the biggest name on the cast, followed by his co-hort in kicking off/organizing their revival, Sara Gilbert. I’d argue Laurie Metcalfe and Sarah Chalke would be the next biggest names, aside from Roseanne, herself. I’m barely hearing ANY details from this group, let alone salaries.
kimmukwest says
American Idol
Katy Perry
“Uproar” reference to Roar, Katy can’t stop talking about how much she’s making
SpotTheFish says
TV Show: American Idol
Big Name Star: Katy Perry
Clues: “uproar”, “claw back” (song Roar)
rialk132 says
american idol
katy perry
gossipgirl6 says
Reggie5561 says
American Idol
Katy Perry
Revival TV Show
Up Roar – Her song Roar
traherne says
Kate Perry on American Idol.
TeaDrinker says
American Idol
Katy Perry
4girls4 says
Doesn’t matter . Remakes,Revivals suck
spaceship says
Lol, true.
Mbowie says
American Idol
Katy Perry
“uproar” = ROAR
Definitely NOT watching
lilyzali says
Katy Perry on American Idol? Seriously? She can’t even sing LIVE..
How is she going to give directions to the contestants?
So Not watching…
hales111 says
Tv show: American Idol
Big Name Star: Katy Perry
MaryQuiteContrary says
karilelu says
American Idol
Katy Perry
She is awful.
purplecheetah says
American Idol and Katie Perry with uproar for a clue.
I won’t watch the show because of her and a lot of people I know won’t watch for the same reason.
spaceship says
So true, and I’m one of them.
CanaryCry says
American Idol – hinted in the sheet music in the photo.
Not sure about the BNS …
Never cared for it then – won’t care for it if it ever returns.
BrightEyes says
Katy Perry – 25m
American Idol
& I won’t be watching- nah
Parade says
Katy Perry, American Idol. This karaoke show shouldn’t come back.
Oztransplant says
luv2guess says
American Idol
Katie Perry
no ones else has committed to making chump change after Katie opened her BIG mouth
won’t watch it’s a stale show…needs to go away
staciegrenery says
American Idol
FiyahHotFlashy says
American Idol and Katy Perry
Definitely NOT WATCHING!
january13 says
American Idol
Katy Perry
Clues: revival, Katy’s big salary & they keep throwing all these names around but no one else has been named as a judge
Optional: no I didn’t watch the first one & don’t have any desire to watch a redo. Also isn’t KP notorious for using auto tune. Why waste all the money on a judge that can’t even sing.
Emily Dickinson Rocked says
bwahaha…like Jennifer Lopez?
itstarapagain says
They had no problem with J Lo, a very enthusiastic autotune fan from what I hear. Her talents are self promotion and looking constipated
Vampira says
American Idol…..Again
Katy Perry
Hopefully, it won’t last long
oyevey says
American Idol & Katy Perry
High Steppa says
American Idol. Katy Perry with the big paycheck. Clue: “Claw Back” – her perfume is called “Purr.”
DaniJo says
American Idol
Katy Perry
Vidalia Q Intrigue says
American Idol
Katy Perry
“uproar” = Roar
jonty30 says
Is this the SJW Star Trek that was boasted about, but now delayed?
Even if it goes to air. it’s not going to last because SJW’s ruin everything they touch.
elbeth says
It’s almost like you’ve never seen any Star Trek. Star Trek itself is SJW Star Trek.
amagod121 says
So, so true! Star Trek was my guess too although I was confused by the Catty Purry clues. (Didn’t know she’d be on American Idol or else she would have been my first guess.)
redness says
The new Star Trek has its cast.
And I’m guessing you’re not a Trekkie because Star Trek has always had a diverse cast.
Estrogen says
American Idol
Katy Perry
buddypal says
TV Show: American Idol
Big Name Star: Katy Perry
Clues: “uproar” like her song Roar
jasekian says
Katy Perry for American Idol
spaceship says
Yep, and I have no intention of tuning in. I’ve had enough of American Idol to last a lifetime, they should have just kept it off the air when it went off.
NoseyNana2008 says
Didn’t watch it before, won’t watch it now. ” Big Bother” is more exciting; and I know how fake it is!
jasekian says
Winner winner, where’s my chicken dinner?!