[Pop Bitch] Which A-List star has a secret passion for rugby commentary?
A former conquest says that, while he was on “the job,” he liked to narrate his “performance.”
He would narrate it as if it was a rugby league game, with “Little Russ” passing, punting and charging, and eventually scoring a “try.”
Similar: Athlete In Bed
[Optional] Would you find this funny/annoying/creepy/other?
Callie0924 says
Russell Crowe
Jayzzzzzz says
Little Russ? Russell Crowe? Oh yuck.
ILoveNutella says
don’t know who this is but the cringe. the cringe on this one is strong.
jas_hands says
Russell Crowe.
I’d probably have a laugh the first time, but if it continued I’d find it strange.
GretaGuesses says
No idea who this is. Russell someone, maybe.
I would find this weird, creepy, annoying…
Canadianna says
Russell Crowe LOL!
cgpb28 says
Tom Brady
aaaahew says
Russell Crowe. He owns rugby team in Australia.
redbus says
I’m gonna guess russell crowe…little russ being the obvious clue.
fitzergald says
Russell Crowe
prudie83 says
Russell Crowe
Funny the first time (I’m an Aussie who loves Rugby League) but wouldn’t go back for seconds
Pinkieswear says
Weird, and annoying after a couple of times.
TRexWantsAHug says
Russell Crowe?
Debidoo says
Russel Crowe
amagod121 says
Optnl: Gross and rather creepy. But not as bad as many of celebs peccadillos listed here in the past.