[Blind Gossip] This well-known politician – who is involved in the U.S. Presidential race – completely forgot his wife’s name the other day!
He was talking about her to a small group, but instead of referring to her by name, said something like, “I was just talking to… Ummm…,” except the “Ummm” part went on for much too long. At least a four or five seconds. It was obvious that he couldn’t remember her name. Then he just substituted in the words “my wife” and kept talking. It was clear (and very awkward) to the rest of us standing there that he totally blanked. How do you forget your wife’s name?
Similar: Presidential Candidate Affair
[Optional] Why do you think he forgot his wife’s name?
BadBadJan says
I’ll just throw this out there.. When I had been married about 1 year I went to a Tupperware party. When we played the dumb game where you go around the room and everyone tells the name of their husband and their favorite piece of over priced plastic I froze. I knew the plastic but for the life of me I couldn’t remember my darling’s name. After an embarrassing pause the gal next to me told me what it was. It happens people, don’t make too much out of it.
Michelle_Shaniqua_Obama says
I think this is Bill Clinton. I don’t think his health is what it used to be. He really looks unwell.
SuzNYC says
Billy C ftw. At least he didn’t call her Monica!
breakerofwind says
It has to be Romney, who also forgot about his dog on the roof of his car.
JenninCo says
Bill Clinton
gedull says
Donald Grump. Probably confused her name in his head with another ex-wife’s name. Or his daughter’s name.
tellmemore says
I don’t know who it is, but that’s really not a big deal. They are talking to and about dozens of people, places, and other information all the time. It happens, especially if you’re already not great with names and you’re under stress. Don’t we all have memories of our mom calling us by our sibling’s name growing up?
bertwheeler says
Yes. I have 5 older siblings, and my mother sometimes went through all their names in chronological order before getting to mine.
missmissy says
Donald Trump – he’s had too many.
In his defense (OMG I really said that) I blank all of the time. I have forgotten good friends names while introducing them – I mean good friends. My kids names get jumbled with the pets. When I am tired, I can’t really think very quickly (ha!)
tell me more says
bgmakesmyday says
Trump, because she’s number 3? 4?
darvalleycaves says
Bernie Sanders
MizDubs says
Wait, now that I re-read this question it says “involved in” so it could be Bill forgetting Hillary’s name.
MizDubs says
the haters are gonna say “bernie” because he’s old.
I blank on my husband’s names and my kids’ names all the time. Nothing to see here.
monorail says
Bill Clinton is losing his mind due to Parkinson’s disease.
luvprue1 says
Politician : Bill Clinton forgot Hillary ‘s name.
CyndiTx123 says
Please don’t let it be Sanders…. We are Bernie Supporters!
PinkFlamingo says
Could this be Rafael Eduardo Cruz?
plumplum says
Ted Cruz because he looks so awkward with his family .
I yet forgot the name of my husband .i only use his nickname “loulou” (his name is Louis)
goggles says
Um, because he’s running scared and is also a robot.
bertwheeler says
I’d say Marco Rubio, because he’s allegedly closeted, and definitely a dimwit.
Bamagirl256 says
Sounds like Trump but i dont kbow for sure. If it is him he is so self centered i think he probably got caught up in talking about how “great” he is, he forgot his own wife’s name.
kelno19 says
Trump-a-rooney. Probably because he’s had so many wives, albeit not at the same time – we think!
ErinB61 says
Bernie Sanders
Not sure but in March he told Jane not to stand next to him. Strange.
lolachristina says
there’s too many to remember
jonesing says
Bill Clinton-he doesn’t look that well.
terry123 says
Trump. The orange has finally seeped into his brain?
goose23 says
Idk, but I’m guessing Bernie Sanders, maybe dementia setting in. Could just be stress and lack of sleep from campaigning regardless of the candidate.
Laughing1 says
Probably Bill Clinton……..
SouthJerseyGirl says
Bernie Sanders – CRS syndrome (which is what all of my friends and myself have!)
susied says
Ted Cruz
Why did he forge his wife’s name ? He’s too busy with other women. Perhaps one of them was in the
susied says
Sorry. My comment above was not complete. I had a brain fart and pressed the wrong key.
I’m changing my guess to Bill Clinton. I agree with others. He doesn’t look well .
Molly7111 says
Politician: Donald Trump
4sixx2 says
Bill ?Clinton. His mind is slippppppppping…
Carolina Girl says
The blind doesn’t say that he is a candidate himself so it makes me think of Clinton. Plus Clinton looks like he is having health problems and might be forgetful.
Or, my other guess would be Cruz. The guy in the picture has hair like Cruz.
sunshine702 says
Trump forgetting Melania’s name.
He has a lot on his mind with the globalist power brokers plotting against him.
MsBloodyMystery says
Probably Trump BC he doesn’t see his wives as humans worth being remembered
Amy123 says
Meanwhile, and back in real life, when Hillary wants someone out of the way, they just die.
carnivoro says
Bill CLinton
bananas says
Trump. Who else could it be. He’s had enough of them and doesn’t have an ounce of respect for women..wives, daughters included
Amy123 says
You must be referring to Bill Clinton or John Edwards. Omarosa and Ben Carson just endorse him for the hell of it because he’s such a jerk to women, right?
Okayeah says
Omarosa kisses Trump’s azz at every opportunity. She always has, and she’s a nobody anyway. Carson just wants to be on a winning team, which he THINKS is Trump. I mean, you literally could not have listed two less effective people to try to prove whatever point you’re making.
bananas says
re: Edwards and Clinton, their respect of women has not come under fire. This is a separate issue. Perhaps their respect of the institution of marriage and self respect raises questions. Neither are known to REPEATEDLY make ridiculous and incredibly disrespectful comments toward women. Furthermore, @AMY123, Omarosa is NOT known for being respectful to anyone and an endorsment from Carson is worthless.
LaPerla says
Bill & Hillary?
Optional: Brain farts happen. Husband & I were at the bank last month, and the teller asked him to spell his first name. He stumbled, on his own name… I ended up spelling it.
Okayeah says
I don’t know, but if he’s not smart enough to cover by just saying “my wife” he should probably not be in politics.
blueeyes says
You know, I can’t fault whoever he is for this. I could see how that could happen… I’m voting for a woman, but it doesn’t change my opinion on any of them.
I hope, if it is Sanders, they don’t spin it as “he’s too old” — and for the rest, well, their policy stands (or lack thereof) should speak for themselves.
bhakti says
Donald Trump
He’s had 3 wives I’m sure he has a hard time keeping them all straight
Selkie says
Since he isn’t described as being a candidate, but “involved in the U.S. presidential race”, I’ll guess Bill Clinton.
Reason he forgot his wife’s name: His memory is beginning to slip a bit, combined with the fact that their marriage has always been a sham.
realityhooked says
Bill Clinton
Maybe start of alheismers
tuckerlee123 says
Uncle Bern
loremi says
Oh, Bill… You used to be so sharp. Now you’re aging so fast and your brain fastest of all…
TerryP says
Bill Clinton. Sadly, there has been other memory slips in recent months.
Guccigal says
Sanders- too old; cognitive decline
mamacita3 says
Bill Clinton. Supposedly, he has got something going on…
stolidog says
Ted Cruz is having so many affairs that he can’t keep the ladies’ names straight.
Rottweiler says
Bernie Sanders because he’s an old fart.
sandyra says
Forrest Trump.
PinkCrayon says
I want to say Ted Cruz, but I’ll say Donald Trump.
Trump been married so many times he forgot which wife he’s married to. Plus she’s just one of his trophies.
jooolie says
Because he’s an old fart lol
Amy123 says
KWDragon says
Bill Clinton
He used to be the consummate campaigner, but he seems to have lost his groove, as well as his temper, on the campaign trail. I hope this isn’t early onset brain issues. 🙁
Nataliexyz says
I think there’s something physically wrong with him that isn’t being disclosed to the public.
Also, since those two haven’t lived together since they left the White House, maybe he really does struggle to remember her name!
4sixx2 says
Yes. Yes. Yes! We were just discussing Bill at dinner last night. We think it’s combination mental/physical. Was there an undisclosed stroke type event??!! Something is very amiss with Bill!!
Moonpie says
He’s had so many of them.
Squeezes99 says
This makes sense. I read that he often talks to his first ex-wife before and after his appearances. So he stumbled because he didn’t want people to know he was referring to his EX-wife rather than Melania; hence, the 4 or 5 second pause.
lightgirl says
Are you kidding? I freeze up sometimes under stress and can’t remember ANYONE’S name. At my sister’s wedding in the 80’s, I was introducing my uncle to my boyfriend and totally blanked on my uncle’s name–he wasn’t pleased–#embarrassed lol