BlindGossip – Who is contributing drama to a reality show on a carefully orchestrated schedule? This person/couple clearly has no problem at all sacrificing reputation for money. We have actually seen the rough schedule they have worked out to impart drama at key times to keep the bloggers chatting, to keep ratings high, and to raise their payout for this and (hopefully) future ventures. It’s totally designed to drag out this period of fame as long as possible, and orchestrated to stimulate waves of outrage and controversy followed by relative calm and/or sympathy, and then repeated. They are smart enough to realize their 15 minutes will come to an end, so they are milking it for all it’s worth right now. The next time you yell at the TV or text your friends about it, know that you have been used. Oh, and look for the introduction of a new “character” in the near future to shake things up even more.