BlindGossip – While most of the folks at the Academy Awards ceremony were very happy to see and be seen on yesterday’s telecast, one man was quite uncomfortable with his seating arrangement. When he arrived yesterday, he actually made some quiet inquiries as to whether his seat could be changed. What was so unusual about the request was that while most people want to be placed as close to the stage as possible, he volunteered to be moved back a couple of rows. Unfortunately, as camera angles for reaction shots had been set well ahead of time, Oscar organizers were unable to accommodate his request. He spent the entire evening with a rather strained smile frozen on his face. What caused all this discomfort? Well, it’s because the woman with whom he had an affair was seated close by. His wife, who likely doesn’t know about the affair, didn’t seem to understand what the fuss was about, and roundly chastised him for being unhappy with such prime seating. Frankly, we would have enjoyed seeing a cat fight between the two women, both of whom are well-known actresses.