StarMagazine – Which TV and movie star has been cheating on his wife for years? His makeup artist was his latest conquest, but he owes many other ladies Valentine’s Day presents!
He is Turned On by Giant Feet
Actress Gets a Kick Out of Coffee Kindness
BuzzFoto – Yesterday several stars were snapped out shopping and running holiday errands. While they were out doing that, one star tipped off photographers about another star who was shopping nearby. It worked and the photographers took their shots and then ran off to follow the other star. We heard that the reason for our actress to send photographers after someone else is so that they could buy coffee for everyone in the store and didn’t want to make it a big deal. Not Michelle Trachtenberg.
Fake Family Will Gather Round the Tree
BlindGossip – This a traditional “shopping” weekend for this established celebrity couple. She will likely be combing the aisles of every exclusive store, looking for that perfect flat panel TV or watch or digital camera or set of golf clubs for him. He will be busy too, but not in the way you think.
She Declared Open Season on Oreos
BlindGossip – This actress is a chameleon on the screen but seems to be quite down-to-earth in real life. That’s why it was surprising for us to learn that she is considered a real nut case by a former employee. One day she ordered the staffer to throw out [Read more…] about She Declared Open Season on Oreos
Dinged Five Times at the Hotel Counter
Actress Engages in Paper versus Plastic War
BlindGossip – This television actress – who is environmentally conscious – usually brings her own reusable shopping totes to the supermarket. One day she forgot. When the time came to check out, she asked for paper bags. The clerk packed the groceries into paper bags, but when the actress went to pick them up [Read more…] about Actress Engages in Paper versus Plastic War
Put Those Sofas in a Swag Bag
BlindGossip – A youngish film actress we all know did a bit of furniture shopping over the weekend. She was in several high end stores – accompanied by a designer – focused specifically on purchasing a pair of modern sofas in the $10,000 and up range. She [Read more…] about Put Those Sofas in a Swag Bag
Clumsy New York Socialite Goes to Paris
Star Undermines Obama’s Socialist Agenda
BuzzFoto – This star is very conservative in their political views. They’ve even (allegedly) donated some of their own funds to help right-wing candidates. In order to ‘spite’ Obama and his so-called ‘socialist agenda’ this star bragged to friends of our source that they plan on ‘using as many plastic grocery bags’ as they can, leave their ‘car idling every chance’ they get and take ‘some extra long and hot showers.’ We’re not sure how this politically thwarts the democrats, but it does prove a point that our celebrity is a moron. Not Heidi and Spencer.