Buzzfoto – This star has been known for taking boyfriends/husbands but did you know that she also has a thing for taking stuff? That’s right, this star must be bored because friends say she isn’t allowed to come to house parties anymore. Too many things end up missing. Contrary to popular belief, it isn’t Winona Ryder.
Her New BFF is Her Real Estate Agent
For Richer or Richer
Which celebrity wife is leaving her celebrity husband because he can’t support her over-the-top lifestyle anymore? Her husband was a high flyer who provided her with multiple homes, cars, jewelry, international travel, and financial support for her own enterprise. Now that he’s having money problems, she is looking to bail. He is begging her to stick out this tough period with him, but she has already told friends that she has her eye on a replacement. bg
Actor Ignored Injured Worker
Foreign born B lister who is the lead in his Top 20 network television show. If you are going to do some work on our actor’s house, you may want to consider insurance or an attorney. A group of workers were repairing our actor’s roof. One of them slipped on the roof and fell to the ground. Injured badly. Our actor would not let the man into his home, and said that because the hurt worker was an illegal immigrant, his home insurance would not cover the injury, that no one would care about him one way or the other, and to just get him off the actor’s property.
Spinning the Eviction
Which couple is on the move, but not really by choice? Their landlord is furious about the shabby way they have treated the pricey property, and is giving them the boot so he can clean up the mess they made. In the press, however, the move will be spun as a new adventure and an opportunity for everyone to be close while one of them works on a new project. During that time, attorneys will attempt to negotiate a return to the home under more respectful conditions.