[Blind Gossip] We always knew that this leading actor was a bit unique, but we did not expect this.
She calls it “in a mood.” It means that he doesn’t talk to anybody, even her. This can sometimes go on for a days. She sleeps in a separate bedroom until he is out of the mood.
This mood apparently doesn’t have anything to do with her. It doesn’t happen because she has hurt or annoyed him in any way. He just isolates himself from everyone.
Once he is out the mood, he will pretend like nothing happened and acts very nice to her. He never apologizes or anything like that.
That’s weird behavior. It’s intense and random and capricious. All at the same time.
We don’t know what it’s about. Artistic solitude? Substance abuse? Depression? Prayer? Me time? Generic quirkiness?
Yes, you will definitely see this couple at The Oscars on Sunday!
Similar: We’re Not Joking About Her Face
[Optional] What do you think the isolation is all about?
LA Hack says
Adam Driver and Joanne Tucker
He just seems like someone who could require intermittent isolation
pollyp says
Joaquin – just like the character he played in Parenthood, Gary.
Princesspc says
I was thinking Christian Bale, but he seems to enjoy being with his family so this has to be River’s brother who plays the joker. I can understanding him needing time alone but this is hard to explain to children.
Zafona says
Joaquin. Nothing wrong with that. Geniusses often need more space and solitude than normal people.
draconius25 says
Joaquin Phoenix
Sounds about Scorpio.
craisins86 says
Sounds like Joaquin. I understand it – I need my solitude every so often and whoever I’ve been in a relationship with has generally respected that.
Not much of a tough deal for Rooney, she’s incredibly lucky – I think he’s the hottest man on the planet! I’ve had a massive crush since his Emperor Commodus days.
ImBored says
Joaquin & Rooney
Optional: I think he’s just an introvert he needs that me time for his mental health.
CSLear says
Joaquin Phoenix and Rooney Mara
He has stated that he suffers extreme anxiety when filming or receiving an award,
so I assume this is his way of coping with his upcoming appearance at the Oscars.
donotstalk11 says
Joaquin Phoenix
charlene2345 says
Rooney Mara and Joaquin (sp?) Phoenix.
He’s always been strange.
catch23 says
Joaquin Phoenix – the Similar item is about the Joker
Marelvis says
Rooney Mara & Joaquin “Joker” Phoenix
kvetro60 says
I would guess Christian Bale. Great actor odd person
nadezhda says
joaquin & rooney
BevHillsChick says
Joaquin Phoenix and my next thought was that he must be a Scorpio. Looked it up and I was right! They are odd like that, but apparently they really just need space.
Princesspc says
Whisper says
Hollywood does seem to be filled with spoiled children so it’s hard to say if it’s an inborn quirk or self indulgence. Let’s hope whoever this is doesn’t have children or plan to have any. Eccentricities aside kids need fully attentive parents not people who hand them off to *other* people to look after until the “mood” passes. And bad enough stars whore their children for publicity all the time, well all their relationships come to think of it.
I won’t be watching the Oscars.
spellsnhoney says
George Clooney and Amal
Joaquin Phoenix probably. He seems the type, though he’s killing it with his acceptance speeches this awards season.
DoctorBenway says
I don’t who the actor is but i don’t see what’s strange about his behaviour.
Some people need some times alone just to focus on themselves. It’s exhausting for some of us to always be surrounded by people. We lost the ability of being alone, of doing things alone. And it’s not good.
Renee2 says
Depression. He needs help and probably medication. It’s a sad way to live.
fiddlesticks says
No idea but personally sounds like a great idea if you’re feeling down or need some space. I’d happily do this during my ‘monthly’ if I didn’t have to go to work….
itstarapagain says
Joaquin fka leaf
Rooney fka Patricia
lostintranslation says
Joaquim Phoenix
Honestly? He’s not being abusive nor aggressive. He’s not taking time away from her to be with anyone else but himself. And he’s not abandoning her alone to do so, he is at their house.
He’s a character actor so probably has a lot of voices in his head and sometimes needs silence. It’s weird but not bad or mean.
He could talk about It with her afterwards (at least ocasionaly) to explain It better or check If she’s ok but other than that I personaly see no…
jmehallo says
Idk who this is but I do this and always have. It could be depression or PTSD but sometimes I become burned out from other people and need time to myself.
aaaEL 444 says
Joaquin Phoenix
Rooney Mara
Depression and general lack of desire to be around people. I don’t blame him.
haley1020 says
joaquin phoenix and rooney mara
yenta75 says
Joaquin and Rooney
angelbratt says
This sounds like Jauquin Phoenix
laura1083 says
Sounds like something Joaquin Phoenix would do. Poor Rooney Mara!
SilverLining says
Joaquin Phoenix & Rooney Mara?
sabrina325 says
Joaquin Phoenix and Rooney Mara?
redbus says
this has to be joaquin phoenix
boyjack4 says
Joaquin Phoenix and Rooney Mara
elphie says
Joaquin Phoenix and Rooney Mara
Sleepyandconfused says
Joaquin and Rooney
LizardQueen says
Joaquin Phoenix and Mara
Optional: I think he’s a little ya know quirky.
trivialtime says
Joaquin Phoenix, Rooney Mara
She’s going to eventually be dumped and say he mentally abused her. He’s a spoiled ego and icing out a person you apparently love is cruel. He’s a weirdo and no way she can’t figure it out before it gets worse…strong independent Hollywood women right?
tanana says
Joaquin Phoenix and Rooney Mara
He is known to have mental health issues ( bipolar I believe) so I am not surprised
KlaireBear says
Joaquin Phoenix and Rooney Mara?
Booboogirl says
Joaquin Phoenix
Rooney Mara
sawyer says
Joaquin Phoenix and Rooney Mara
jamiedc78 says
Joaquin Phoenix & Rooney Mara
With Joaquin who knows?
AihtnyC says
Joaquin Phoenix and Rooney Mara
rebernardi says
Joaquin Phoenix and Rooney mara
theheb says
joaquin phoenix And Rooney Mara
Isolation – probably personality type. I tend to go from extrovert to super introverted isolate myself
8outof11 says
I am this.
harperleigh says
Joachim phoenix
Rooney Mara
Grasshopper says
Joaquin Phonex. My guess is he has untreated depression
PBCups says
Not sure, but this sounds like me. I’m an introvert and due to the nature of my job, I have to be “on” a lot. And I’m turn, I go through periods where I need to have peace and quiet.
WorkHardBeNice says
Why do I think this is Matthew McConaughey?
If it is, poor Camilla.
kittypryde777 says
Daniel Day-Lewis and Rebecca Miller
luxurypunk says
Joaquin and Rooney
zappy2050 says
Jaoquin Phoenix.
Didn’t he grow up in a cult for a while? His brother River died young and I believe he was there.
I don’t think it is weird.
He probably has brief bouts of depression. My mother died when I was young and 30 years later, I still cry uncomntrollably sometimes. It has nothing to do with anyone else. It is also not because I need counseling. But sometimes I am overwhelmed with my feelings and need an outlet.
I don’t see this as a big deal.
amyinkamloops says
I don’t know who this is, but for me, I am an introvert and work in a job that has a lot of public speaking and around hundreds of people each week. Whenever possible, I try to have alone time to recharge. Normal I would say, but he needs to explain this to his partner. My partner is very good about my need to be alone.
keenobserver says
The silhouette reminds me of Ryan Reynolds.
artvandelay says
Joaquin Phoenix and Rooney Mara
bertwheeler says
I would so love this to be Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson.
theoneandonlynat says
Joaquin Phoenix
Another Time says
Couple: Joaquin Phoenix, Rooney Mara
Sounds like bipolar to me.
CyndiTx123 says
rooney and the joker joaquin phoenix…..
Holleva says
Joaquin Phoenix based on ‘similar’ blind.
omgimbackagain says
Joaquin Phoenix and Rooney Mara?
oyevey says
Joaquin Phoenix & Rooney mara
wg1313 says
Jaquin Phoenix
High Steppa says
Joaquin P and Rooney M.
I think he is a very talented guy who has issues.
bristolgirl says
To me, this sounds like Joaquin. I’m a huge fan of his, and I know he suffers from extreme social anxiety and is said to be incredibly introverted. Apparently his fiancée Rooney Mara was the one who convinced him to put himself out there a bit more.
What is the isolation about? Could be artistic solitude, could just be how he likes to spend ‘me time’. As an introvert myself I completely get needing time away from everyone, even a partner, to recharge and feel good again.
JBDinCA says
Joaquin Phoenix & Rooney Mara
beachchick218 says
I’m probably wrong but this sounds like Jim Carrey. He is a complete nutcase and doesn’t treat women well. In fact, the family of one of his girlfriends blame him for her death.
MadGal says
Joaquin Phoenix & Rooney Mara
Theaterfan says
Joaquin and Rooney!
alilio says
Joaquin Phoenix and his partner Rooney Mara
The related blind features the Joker, the role for which he’s been nominated at the upcoming Oscars
He’s an odd one, definitely living up to the image of the eternally tormented artist, but they make a cute couple together
XcusemyEnglish says
Joaquin Phoenix and Rooney Mara
Weazle says
Joaquin Phoenix, prob just wants space. Good move, better than freaking out on people.
JoshuaTree says
Joaquin Phoenix and Rooney Mara.
He’s a complicated guy. Having his brother River die in his arms probably has a lot to do with it.
ghostrider44 says
Definitely Joaquin Phoenix
I think he needs space.
snookiemonster says
Joquin Phoenix
cheekymonkey69 says
Joaquin Phoenix & Rooney Mara
ivy3499 says
Joaquin and Rooney Mara
pajuxy says
This! His behavior doesn’t seem that weird to me, probably because I’m an introvert. We can need lots of alone time to process our thoughts. If she’s an understanding partner, that can help the relationship so much if he needs this level of space. I’ve dated many extroverts who have struggled to understand why I need to be alone sometimes…and that it had nothing to do with them. Praise Allah that I’m with an introvert now who gets me.
holycow says
Totally get him and I love Joaquin. We introverts need our space. I wish all of us had an understanding partner who realizes it has nothing to do with them. If Mara does allow him the space, she’s a keeper.