BuzzFoto – This super skinny A/B lister has always blamed her skinny weight on her incredible metabolism and good genes. Well, we know that every time she goes out to a restaurant, she purges her food in the bathroom. That’s not the gossip here. The real story is why she does it. Her eating disorder apparently started as a diet competition between her and another celeb starlet. The two were competing for a very big role a few years ago (a role which our actress did not get) and the two openly made a goal to “underweight” one another. The celeb who got the part, lost the weight in a healthy way and moved on, but our star’s ED stuck. So sad! Not: Megan Fox
It’s Kate Bosworth! Source: BuzzFoto
Congratulations to Mackenzie for the first correct guess. Anyone have any insight as to Kate’s competition and the film?