[Crushable] She’s
not a brat, she just plays one on TV. Can you figure out who this blind item is about?
This star of a popular TV show has a reputation for being particularly…ahem…difficult (both on-screen and off), and it’s clear that that reputation is entirely deserved. Crushable has just gotten word that this celebrity was out to dinner with her parents recently and didn’t feel that the laws of physics that govern the speed at which food can be cooked should necessarily apply to her.
Less than twenty minutes after ordering well-done fish, this starlet sent her father back to the kitchen with instructions to “knock on the window” to see if their food that they ordered “hours ago” was ready.
When the waiter did ultimately bring the food to the table, this star argued with him about which items were safe for her to eat with her food allergies (which he had apparently accounted for), and after insulting his intelligence, left a 10% tip.
We can’t tell you the name of this bratty star, but can you guess??