We know there are a lot more solved blind gossip items on our site than we currently list, and we’d like your help in identifying them. So we are declaring this summer… The Summer of Solved!
You will see a list of our Archives on the <<< LEFT side of this page. We need your help in going through one month at a time – first focusing on September 2008 – and seeing how many we can mark SOLVED! Some guidelines:
1. One link per reply is fine as long as you fully explain the link and how it solves the item. Even better would be to paste an abridged version of the pertinent copy in your reply along with the link. If you are going to send a reader off of our site, there should be a REALLY good reason! Examples:
NO: It’s John Smith! Link
NO: Hey, check this out: Link
NO: Link, Link, Link and Link. Solved!
YES: This article from Rolling Stone explains how John Smith admitted cheating on his wife one week after they got married and that the scar over his right eye is a direct result of his wife throwing the vase at him when she found out: [abridged copy] Link
2. Replies with links that do not contain an explanation of how the link solves the item will be marked as spam and deleted.
3. We are aware that there are a lot of BG imitators out there. Please keep the tone of this site positive by not posting comments about or links to those sites.
4. Please don’t email us to ask about a specific item or to tell us that a certain item is solved. Keep it in the thread of that particular item so all of our readers can benefit from your brilliant sleuthing!
We know that BlindGossip readers are great detectives and can help us mark many more of our items SOLVED! Happy hunting!
PS: Happy Fourth of July to all of our fellow Americans out there! Eat a cheeseburger for BG!