BlindGossip – This actor has dozens of TV shows and films to his credit. You would think that all that work would have made him the consummate professional. Not really. Instead, it’s turned him into a know-it-all about the role of everyone around him. He is constantly interrupting the director and the other actors with tips about how they can make their scene better. Everyone around him gets annoyed, but he is such a big star, they know that it’s usually easier to simply accommodate his wishes than to battle him on set.
Perhaps he feels the need to assert himself on the set because things are so out of control on the home front? Surprisingly, his real-life primary relationship doesn’t put up with his domineering ways at home. She gets in his face and asserts her own position, usually to her benefit. If they are having a squabble – which is happening a lot lately – he sleeps in the guest room. The couple reportedly hasn’t engaged in personal relations in more than two months.